Thursday, September 16, 2010

Time management at Job

Deadlines are something, which we all are scared of. Everything, every work, has a limited time period, in which it needs to be performed, doing after which it looses its sheen. There has to be a fixed time for performing every task, because other than the value of work in the respective time, the craze for the particular work also goes on diminishing with time. For making things perfect in your life and to keep yourself away from crisis situation, it’s very important to have a well structured plan for working. Especially in case of jobs, it becomes more important, that you have a prior structured format, according to which you work. Everyday is different and is sure to bring new challenges for you.

Therefore planning for the day, early in the morning and prioritising job assignments according to their importance, can surely save you from a crisis situation. Problems and disasters do not come by knocking your door, so we should always be prepared for such situations. A disaster is obviously a cluster of problems, which are ignored or left unsolved, so by managing your time perfectly, you will be able to give better outputs at your work and save your time and energy, which could have a taken on toll on you, by falling into the crisis situation.

Working in accordance to the ‘to do list’ is the simple solution to manage your time in an effective manner and give great benefits to your organisation. This also leads to mental peace and you are able to relish the moments when you are free or when you are having break time. A balance between the personal and professional life can also be attained, if you get to work according to the planned structure of the day in your job.

Teaching jobs loosing its sheen

Teaching is the most respected profession in the world. From the very starting of our life, whatever we learn and earn are to be credited to one person, which is our teacher. Our teachers play a very important role in shaping and directing of our career and paving a prosperous route for our dream destination. Countries, all across the world, have been focussing on the education part, for the economic development of the country. The numbers of schools and colleges in India have also increased unimaginably, which is to cater the rising education need of the students. There are a number of corresponding courses also, which are getting launched in different colleges to train the students for the development of respective industries.

To teach all the students and to make them efficient enough to deal with the competencies of the world, a number of teachers are required. This directly leads to the rise in demand of the teachers for schools and colleges of India. This is an important issue to consider, that only if, the number of schools and colleges will go on increasing, it won’t solve the literacy problems. A large number of qualified teachers are required for these students to make them attain proper education in their respective fields. But, today, more than teaching other professions like engineering, communications, medicine, are preferred by the students.

Teaching has lost its sheen and students are not anymore interested in taking teaching as their career option. Education sector needs a boost for sure, but before setting up more of educational institutions, the government needs to take measures, which would motivate the teachers to practise their profession in a perfect way and produce the best of the talents of our country. Measures need to be taken to promote teaching as a career among the youngsters and make them believe that teachers are the driving force behind the growth of a developing economy like India.
For more information visit: teaching jobs in india

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Employees prefer job stability over higher salaries

Businesses are expanding overseas and so are the job opportunities for common man. The job market today, has grown to a larger extent and is giving opportunity to new talent in different arenas of work. The prime reason for doing a job has always been the money or the salary part, but the times are changing and candidates are giving preference to the brand name and the job profile. There is a great demand of experienced candidates in the companies, which are valued high with great salaries. But now many employees can be seen denying the proposals from, even the companies at the top level, offering higher salary packages. Stability has become the watchword these days; the employees have become more loyal to their brand and can no longer be lured by huge salary packages..

This is actually changing the trend of the job industry and making the companies have more trust on their employees. This also helps in making the office environment more comfortable and cosy to work in. The employees are able to enjoy a livelier atmosphere at the workplace. The credit for changing trends can be given to the economic slowdown, which has lead to the increase in the devotion level of the employees towards their work to give more productivity and at the end to retain their job. At the recession time, there rose a competition like situation inside the company, between its employees to save their job. This all lead to a fear in the mind of the employees about loosing the job, due to which they find it a better choice to sustain with their present job and keep growing with the company.

The choice of sustaining in the job also depends on your relation with the organisation and how well you gel with your colleagues. Otherwise, giving the finest performance resulting to profitable output for the company is the best way to have a high career growth.

Adjusting in the corporate environment

Change is a term which remains constant in our lives and even without which our life would turn out to be very dull and boring. Every stage and phase of our life has something new and different to teach us. It tests our capability and adds to our potential. Every test we take in our life helps in building up our confidence that we can achieve more and redefine our goals in to a step higher. We all know that ability to learn and grasp new things, is life, but one more synonym to life is adjustment. Every new step we take in life is accompanied by a new adjustment, which we make to be able to make the best use of the opportunity. One adjustment, which all of us looking for jobs, need to do is shaping our attitude and behaviour according to the corporate environment of our office.

To completely suit into our office environment, we need to learn some corporate skills, which make it easier for our other colleagues also to understand and accept us. There are different norms and regulations in every company, but there are some common rules, which are meant to be followed by all, which are:

  • Dress according to the norms of the organisation
  • Communicate properly with your colleagues and bosses
  • Should co- operate in maintaining the decorum of the office
  • Should work according to the office timings
  • Should have a professional approach in the working style and the way you carry yourself in office

When you enter the corporate world, a lot of expectations are entrusted on you, which you need to fulfil. The training period is the most important one, where you are polished according to the requirement of the office. The company invests the training period on you, in return for which you are supposed to make profitable deals for the company. Life changes a lot after you enter the corporate world, but to fulfil the main aim of your job i.e. grow with your company, you need to invest a mixture of smart and hard work.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Achieve Balance in Work and Personal Life

The reason we take up jobs is to be independent initially but later they become important for giving our families all worldly comforts. This is why we slog ourselves for long hours to meet deadlines and put forth our best performance. But, what if work overpowers our personal lives so much that we get no time to spend with our families? Well, this means the right balance between work and personal life hasn’t been achieved and needs to be addressed quickly.

It is extremely significant for an individual to spend time with oneself and family. In the race of earning few bucks and attaining success, we tend to drift away from our loved ones. Taking them for granted never serves any purpose. Make sure not to make work your life by ignoring all other things. Follow some of these things to attain that perfect balance between your professional and personal life:

1. Prioritize things and ignore the unimportant.
2. Consider Options and make your life fulfilling.
3. Find the balance by planning and acting right.
4. Take care of yourself by giving yourself some space.
5. Don’t be a workaholic.

Getting married to work is not a fair thing to do. It has been found in a recent survey that 2 out of every 5 employees agree with the lack of balance in their work and personal life. The changing professional lives due to longer working hours, increasing work pressure, rising commuting time, obscuring boundaries between work and home, etc. usually create the imbalance.
Those looking for the right balance should always stop at one point in life and sit down to write what they are looking forward to. Setting limits and giving time to friends, family and yourself helps in rejuvenation of mind, body and spirits.

Manufacturing Sector to Create 30 Lakh Jobs in India

Jobs in India are flourishing ever since the economic revival of the country began after a prolonged period of recession. The confidence and optimism in market is encouraging the corporate leaders to make further investments on expansion and launch new products. As a result, the hiring of human resources becomes inevitable accentuating the number of jobs available in the country.

The manufacturing industry seems to be in full vigor as far as recruitment is concerned. Owing to the expansion drives and high demand for experienced professionals, hiring activity has gained high momentum. A whopping 30 Lakh jobs are to be created by the year end across various levels in the sector according to the estimates by leading Recruitment Process Outsourcing firm, Elixir. It is also predicted that the manpower employed in the manufacturing industry is set to grow by a staggering 2.8 crores in next five years i.e. by 2015.

India is on its way to becoming a global manufacturing hub with stimulus given by the government along with surge in demand for products and opening up of more avenues. As reported by Elixir, the need for hiring in junior and middle levels picked up in Q1 (January to March) of this year while demand for hiring in senior level jumped in Q2 (April to June). Now, by the end of Q3 (July to September), this demand is certain to grow tremendously making room for lakhs of skilled and qualified professionals.

India is indisputably a land of opportunities that is exploring more and more options everyday. With talented manpower to support the growth, it is developing at an unmatched pace stepping forward to set new benchmarks. Jobs in India across all sectors and levels are bound to witness an immense increase in the coming years.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fake resumes can ruin your life

Resume is the mirror image of your performance and the career achievements you have earned till date. It is the first and the most important source, which leads you to a better job opportunity. Before applying for a job, the candidates revamp their resume and try it giving a fresher and an advanced look every time. Though, talent, qualification and experience are the main things, which play a major role in securing a job for a better career. But, resume is the first thing, which introduces the candidate to the employer; therefore it needs to be shaped in the best presentable manner. More than anything else, your resume should be genuine. A fake resume can spoil your whole career and land you no-where.

You must be thinking, why am I focussing on the credibility part of the resumes. This is because, a large number of job applicants these days, have started choosing the wrong path and are trying to grab jobs by showcasing the fake experience and even degrees. Fake is actually the word, which has become the most common thing today. Whether it’s about a college degree or a resume for a job, people these days find it very easy to fool the employers and suit themselves in the jobs required. But, as the saying goes, lies and liars cannot last for long, same is the case with these fake job seekers, they may succeed in cracking a job for themselves, but sooner or later when their fraud comes into picture, then not only their job, but their whole carer can get spoiled.

Rather than choosing the wrong and the short route for success, which is definite to lead to failure one day, I think it’s much better for you as a job seeker to opt for the longer but the safe and truthful route towards the achievement of success. So try and win a job, through your positive abilities and qualifications, instead of formulating the deceiving ways to snatch the job, which you are not capable of.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Keep stress away from your workplace !

Job is the source, which feeds you and your family. It is reason because of which financial problems stay off from your family. Money is the main reason for tension in families these days, and if you have a fixed and a nice job, then you surely will have a better and a satisfied lifestyle. But, still tensions are a part of life, which never allows a human being to live happily and have a healthy life. There are many situations, which engrosses a human being with a number of problems and create hurdles in his normal flow of life. These tensions and problems have somehow become the necessity of life and indirectly responsible for bringing good as well bad changes in our life. Therefore, we should not let it grow to a height that a personal problem starts interrupting in the movement of our professional life and visa- versa.

Tensions do bug us, but if we let them become a termite in our lives, then it would not only ruin our personal lives, but our professional lives, will also loose its existence. And I hope nobody would want to loose their source of livelihood. Therefore, following are few steps, which would help you to keep away tensions from your workplace:

1- Do not mix personal and professional life
2- Be positive always and look at things in an optimistic manner
3- Do not overburden yourself with work; distribute the work among your colleagues
4- Take suggestions and discuss work related problems with your colleagues
5- Try not to take work home, and do a proper division of your time and devote considerable time to your family and job

These are many other points, which differ according to the standards and work responsibilities of officials in different sectors, but the main thing which has to be constant is to be happy and cheerful always so that tensions even get scared to knock your doors!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

BOI Inviting Applications for Clerk Positions

The employment rate in public sector is growing at a rapid pace and marked improvements are made across the industry. It is interesting to note that even the youth is showing keen interest in taking jobs in government sectors especially post revision of Pay Commission. Banking is one of the largest public sectors of the country that has been growing swiftly to cater to the financial needs of the citizens.

The banking and finance industry is all set to face a manpower crunch with more than 30% staff retiring by end of this year. So, Bank of India (BOI) is inviting online applications for nearly 2,500 vacancies, all clerk positions across India. The Head Office of this leading Public Sector Bank is in Mumbai but the positions are available in all branches of the bank in Clerical Cadre. The aspirants can apply by filling applications online, all that they need to do is to follow simple instructions and pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 250. The last date for submission of applications is 5th August 2010 and the tentative date for written examination is 26th September 2010.

The basic salary offered by Bank of India for clerical jobs is between Rs. 7,200 to Rs. 19,300. Other benefits in addition include HRA (Home Rent Allowance), CCA, DA (Dearness Allowance), Allowance, Conveyance, Gratuity, Pension, LFC, Medical Aid, etc. along with other facilities as per Bank’s Rules. Only those between 18 to 28 years of age can apply for the positions available with BOI. Read the documents carefully before applying as the fee paid and application sent is treated as final without any scope for making changes later.

Banking jobs in a public organization are the most coveted ones with hundreds thousands of candidates applying for them every time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Textiles Export Sector May Generate 2.5 Million Jobs

The upcoming India-European Union pact for free trade of textiles and garments is expected to generate millions of jobs in India. If India enters into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with EU, it would be able to fetch 3 billion dollars worth of apparels export order. Though, the pact is under discussion from quite long but if signed, it is supposed to create a whopping 2.5 million career opportunities in the textiles and garments export sectors.

Sources from Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) showed that India exported garments worth 5.7 billion dollars to European Union last calendar year. It accounted for 55% of the country's total apparel shipments in 2009 and would bolster up considerably if FTA is concluded on a positive note. It is hoped that final results for this agreement would come by the end of current fiscal.

Indian market offers lead over China in terms of both labor and costs of production. The dearth of skilled manpower in textiles sector and high production costs in Chinese market has shifted interests of European Union to India. The human resource in our country is available in plenty and that too, at 20% lesser costs making it the next preference. Moreover, production costs for business in India is sure to cut down helping in profit boosting both directly and indirectly.

Jobs Portal in India are reckoned to grow in numbers post global economic slowdown. With revival of sectors come new business opportunities encouraging employment of trained and qualified manpower. Since people are in the most mobile phase right now owing to the lay offs and salary cuts during recession, it is the best time to hire the best talent around. The existing and upcoming professionals in apparel export industry sure have a reason to smile now.

Working in the monsoon!!

Finally the time has come, for which we all have been waiting for. Whether, its you or me, I hope all of us have been eagerly waiting for monsoons. It feels so good, when early morning we get to see water drops, welcoming us, falling on our face and motivating us to go to our jobs with smiling faces. The morning is obviously so nice and even the rest of the day goes amazing, with cool and chilled atmosphere outside. Looking outside from the window of our office, we tend to think, about going out in the rain and enjoying with the friends and the family members. But, at the end we know our responsibilities and try to fresh our moods, by having a small walk outside with our colleagues. The fresh air adds to the inspiration for work and makes us add value to our work and overall job done by us.

These small patches of rain, when falls on a hot city like Delhi acts as a stress buster for the workers and makes them relived from the office and other tensions. I know in a such a beautiful weather, no one wants to come to office and work, but we always have an option of working at our best for the whole day and then enjoying the evening with our family and friends. Job is an integral part of our life; it is the source through which we earn our living. It not only makes us earn for our family, but also teaches us various lessons of life. And adding to these lessons is the flavour of rain, which comes very often but adds the tint of happiness and freshness in our lives.

So I would only say, mix the feeling of enjoyment with the seriousness of work and you would be able to produce the best of your job results.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food Processing Jobs in India Coming Soon

The government of India has identified the food processing industry as one of the most potential areas in terms of growth and employment. Subodh Kant Sahai, the ‘Food Processing Industries’ Minister believes that investments in the sector can create large number of job opportunities for professionals.

If huge investments are made in the food processing sector, it is expected to bring:
(a) Long term economic stability to farmers,
(b) Increase the level of processing,
(c) Help in reducing wastage and
(d) Generate plethora of career opportunities

Almost one-fifth of the country’s industrial labor force is already employed in the industry and there is a scope to double and even treble the figure.

The minister informed that the current processing level of agricultural and allied commodities in India is even less than 10% whereas it is as high as 70-80% in developed countries. This is what underlines the strong potential of the sector and justifies the need for larger investments. Technological up-gradation is of chief importance to achieve the above objectives of reduced wastage and increased processing levels. The improper cold chain management is another important issue to address in order to improve contract farming in India.

While offering the solutions to solve the food processing related issues, Sahai asked for increased focus on food products retailing. It makes marketing an indispensable tool as when one knows how to market food products, both investment and production become easier. With the growing needs of the ever increasing population, India definitely houses a humungous market for production and consumption of food products. The higher disposable incomes and perpetually evolving food habits of the massive middle class population guarantees a thriving market.

Even as 200 entrepreneurs have been assisted during the meet, another 200 are to be assisted by September 2010.

Exploring Paths for Indian Youth - To Participate in Nation Building

India is developing tremendously especially from past five years not only economically but socially as well. Though there are some people who want to remain backward and do not want India to progress but the youth is much more aware than ever before. It is actively working towards building a better nation.

Recently, a conference ‘Exploring Spaces for Young Indians in Government’ was held in Delhi at India International Center on 3rd July. The objective of this meet was to explore different paths for young professionals in government and to discuss a structured way of attracting them to public service through Management and Leadership Fellowship Program. Indian youth is now taking interest in entering the government system and do what they can for their country by not opting for careers in private sectors.

The conference was organized by Global Young Indian Professionals and Students (GYIPS), a growing global network created to help young Indians grow professionally as well as contribute to the social, political and economic development of India. Formed almost a year ago in August 2009, it has over 750 members worldwide across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Washington DC, London, New York and Boston. The group received an overwhelming response for 75 seats with more than 250 applications coming in.

According to the current trends, it has been observed that youth is ready to explore careers in public or government sectors altering the regular path of choosing a private job. It indicates at the steady shift in youth participation in Indian government activities expected in the years to come. This is to help greatly in nation building as the youth decides to take the reins of the country’s governing fabric into their hands. Earlier, youngsters disillusioned by corruption, inefficiency and nepotism in government wished to stay away from public sectors but are now coming forward.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Entrepreneurial Bug Biting Corporate Executives

India is known worldwide for its talented manpower and this is why all the countries import human resources from India. Some of the biggest organizations of the world have Indian employees at managerial aab sabkond directorial levels. Realizing their own potential, corporate executives in India are now beginning to set up their own businesses apparently bitten by the entrepreneurial bug.

Entrepreneurship is the most widespread phenomenon in our country as young professionals believe in utilizing their talent in their own start ups rather than working under others. One needs to have an unusual business idea and should be willing to take risks to start an enterprise from the scratch. For some, the drive starts early i.e. from college years and for others, it takes few years of corporate experience to take the plunge. It is interesting to note that more than 90% of entrepreneurs have worked in an organization before making the move out of which nearly 70% have an experience between 0 to 5 years.

According to the ET-Synovate Entrepreneurship Survey, all those who switch from corporate careers to entrepreneurship already have a business idea in their minds. Almost 85% respondents said that they made the shift when they could no longer hold back their urge to implement the idea and be their own boss. Most of them were pushed to quit either as they had to work on ideas they did not agree with or because it could lose effectiveness if delayed. The major problems faced by the upcoming entrepreneurs were mostly related to funding, convincing business partners and lack of family support. The trends show that even as almost 60% of them got support in form of mentorship or incubation, others preferred being their own mentors. The rapidly spreading bug of entrepreneurship is surely etching various success stories.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Role of brand managers and their increasing responsibilities

Brand managers are generally defined with the roles of managing the image of the brand and projecting it well in front of the common masses. Keeping the products and launches in accordance to the interests of the target audience is something, which always needs to be kept in mind by them. The job of a brand manager is surely of the managerial types, but for actually executing his job; he needs to put himself in the shoes of his target audience. The responsibility of the brand as a whole is on the shoulders of the brand manager. He is accountable for all the activities, which directly or indirectly can affect the image of the brand.

Brand actually corresponds to the name and the fame of the organisation that the company holds in public. Though, it is very tough to mould, form and sustain the public opinion, but it depends on the creativity and the skills of the brand manager, how well he is able to present the news in the form of public interest. The presentation of the product should be in a way, that each and every individual is able to relate himself to the product or services and find a reason to avail them. Marketing and Public relations plays a major role in the commencement of these job duties of the brand manager.

A lot of new marketing techniques and procedures have been seen coming up into practise, with the advancement in the technologies. Internet becoming a great medium of dependency, social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, Orkut, Blogspot, etc. are becoming popular and grabbing the positions of the most advanced and the influential marketing methodologies. These sites in a way, carries the news in the form of infotainment and fulfils the demands and needs of both the parties. Also, the increased use of these social networking sites has lead to an increase in the burden in the job responsibilities of the brand manager. Other than the traditional forms of marketing, now the brand manager is also responsible for the communication processes held on the social networking sites. The increased job responsibilities of the brand manager have lead to more competition and filtration in terms of the most appropriate candidate for the post of brand manager.

Indian Economy Reboots, Pushing Up Recruitments

The resilience of Indian economy has been proved with its quick recovery from global economic meltdown. Not only has it remained stable but has shown tremendous improvements across all sectors and industries. With HRs, consultants, recruiters, etc. reporting positive hiring trends, at least 5 lakh jobs have been generated in India in the first half of the current year.

Ma Foi Randstad, global HR service provider projected creation of 5 lakh jobs in the organized sector of which around 3,50,00 seem to be created during the second quarter (April to June) alone. Along with the job generation, rise in pay scales have also been observed, thus, bringing back the positive sentiments to the Indian job market.

Delhi and NCR are found to be the top job providing cities (with nearly 21,000 jobs) out of the eight major cities surveyed. Next is Mumbai (15,000) followed by Chennai (12,000), Kolkata (8,500), Bangalore (7,000), Hyderabad (6,200), Pune (5,500) and Ahmedabad (3,500 approx).

The sectors hiring most actively in the second quarter include healthcare (96,500 jobs), real estate & construction (52,000), hospitality (49,000), IT sector (34,000), media & entertainment (29,000) and banking, financial services & insurance (16,000). The hiring trends in around 650 companies across 12 industries are included in the survey.

The positive momentum in organized sector is expected to extend to the unorganized sector as well. The hiring activity will spread throughout the year in a planned manner to avoid any lay offs or other problems later. Jobs in India are back with a bang and are here to stay for long across all levels, sectors and professions. The salary raise has added zest to the momentum with movement both within and outside various sectors. The boom in recruitment market is welcome news after a slowdown for more than a year-and-a-half.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Importance of personality development and communication skills

First impression is the last impression, one of the most common quotes, which describes the importance of personality of an individual. This quote has always played an influential role in our lives and we generally tend to follow it. Whenever we go to meet someone for the first time, we wear the best of our dresses with the best of the make- up and accessories matching the dress. And especially in case of some official meeting, it becomes more important for you to have a good and an everlasting impression on the client. In case of interviews you are required to prove yourself the best among the others, a lot of which is contributed by your personality and the communication skills possessed by you.

Jobs help in shaping the overall personality of the individual. But before actually doing the job, you also need to have some skills, which are further needed to be polished. Self confidence, communications skills, way of presenting yourself, are few of the attributes, which helps in defining your overall personality. In an interview you are judged on various parameters. Personality and communication skills, are two, without having which, the chances for you to clear the interview becomes very less.

Jobs are the source of our livelihood, so they need to be grabbed and sustained. There are hundreds of candidates for a single post in companies, but for grabbing one, you need to be highly efficient and capable amongst all the other candidates. Bookish knowledge is what every one have but to clear a job interview, you need to have the traits of a winner, one with a great personality having confidence over himself and his efficiencies. Thus, by being one of those, you can save a good job for yourself in few of the most renowned companies of the country.

Jobs Flooding in India

The industry behemoths are back to business with massive hiring beginning in full swing this year. With the economic revival comes a great year for MBAs as the times of hiring freeze gets over. Even though, the recruitment season at top B-schools commenced with cautious optimism, it surely has ended with a strong economic rebound.

All the major national and multinational companies seem to have launched a recruitment drive. From technology giants, Infosys Technologies and Cognizant to finance companies, ICICI Bank, Citigroup and YES Bank; from BPO majors, Genpact, Wipro to national companies like Tatas, Hindustan Unilever, Procter & Gamble, ITC, Britannia, and Johnson & Johnson to international consulting biggies like McKinsey, Accenture, Deloitte and Boston Consulting Group (BCG)-all are hiring.

After looking at the data received from 13 top management institutes, it is clear that not only numbers but quality jobs are back. Recruiters emphasize on the fact that hiring blitz is an actual part of their overall growth plan rather than a bold proclamation of survival. Though experienced MBAs were preferred, even first-timers were able to land with many opportunities. The rise in salary packages could be noticed too with a hike of 25% on average for the Class of 2010.

As preferences and demands of recruiters have changed over years, a shift in student’s attitudes could also be seen this time. They could now look beyond pay packets and foreign posting is not an obsession for young professionals anymore. They have matured into prudent individuals taking sensible decisions based on quality of the job and culture of the company.

War talent in India is definitely gaining momentum propelled by resurgence of hiring optimism. The frozen job market until last year has been phenomenal this year with almost bullish hiring by companies across various sectors.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Technology Sector in India at Its Best

Technology has been the buzzword ever since India started traveling on its development path. There has been tremendous growth in the fields of information technology as well as biotechnology in last five to ten years and is progressing still.

Cloud computing in IT sector is the new rage that has opened doors for many in India and abroad. From discovery to early clinical development, biotechnology sector too is expanding its potential in the country. The widening scope for technology professionals is growing further in wake of various foreign based companies coming forward to form strategic partnerships in India. Technology jobs in India are set to multiply manifold as IT and Biotech majors are creating thousands of job opportunities.

Indian cities offer the advantages of high-quality talent pool, lower operational costs, development speed and access to a huge market. These favorable aspects are rapidly drawing global business mammoths to externalize their R & D for bigger gains. They are now slimming down operations in US and Europe and reinvesting in Asia across India, China and Japan. Indian companies are definitely best at research and innovation but they need to sell themselves more effectively as solution providers.

The bent towards India for technology related matters like cloud computing, research and development is bound to result in huge fruitful collaborations. This will not only lead to significant upsides for partnering firms but also help the Indian technology industry to grow by leaps and bounds. High margins, easier cash flows, environment support, etc. are some of the features of Indian industries that attract foreign investors and corporations from all over the world. The government support in accepting foreign investments is also crucial for the country’s technological developments.

A significantly huge development is awaiting the Indian tech industry and will surely rock the world.

Vacation time for teachers

Vacation is the time which every one waits for, whether it’s you or me; holidays are the most awaited time period. In the life of a service person, it becomes really difficult for him to spare time for his family and friends. I know like me, everyone of you must always be waiting for the weekend to come and the time to arrive when you can enjoy and lead life according to your own rules and definitions. But I hope you would agree with me that these two holidays are just not enough. Just think about those teachers who get two months off as summer vacations. God! They must be damn lucky to be in this profession.

Summer vacations are the biggest advantage a teacher gets, in her profession. It is actually a gala time for her in the whole year, where she spends two entire months with her family. Enjoyment, relaxation, cheering, holidaying must be the adjectives, which these teachers get to implement in their lives, during this vacation period. I m really getting jealous, this must be the time like, we as students use to spend in our summer holidays. It’s actually a bliss for them. But anyhow, I think this rest is must for the teachers as they are the tools, which helps in shaping and defining our career in the right direction. In fact they are the basis, on the teachings of which our whole life is based.

It’s our personal option, which career field we choose, so I think being jealous is the only thing we can do. Jokes apart, every profession has its pros and cons and one should try and be happy with what he gets. Being satisfied and working harder to achieve the targets is the best thing to progress in your career field. Rest we all can only hope that those who are in this profession i.e. having their job in the teaching sector, get to enjoy their holidays to the fullest and spend an amazing time with their family members.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

3 Lakh Jobs in Cloud Computing in India

Cloud Computing is the latest buzzword in the web world as it brings in a paradigmatic shift. It is the internet based computing where shared resources, software and information are made available to computers and other devices on demand. Amazon, Google and Microsoft are the major cloud service providers.

The providers believe that India holds immense potential to emerge as the global competency center for cloud services. With a powerful ecosystem of over 1300 ISVs (independent software vendors), 1.4 million developers and more than 11000 system integrators (SIs and custom software development organizations), Indian market seems ideal to exploit the opportunity. An estimated 3 lakh jobs in India will be created in cloud services over next five years.

According to Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft Corporation, not only will India see a surge in consumption of cloud services, driving growth in domestic IT usage but will also be seen supporting companies all over the world for their transition to cloud computing. Huge scope and potential is seen in cloud computing services and thus, academic institutions are working to train students in this upcoming field.

Institutions like NIIT, IIT and IIIT are engaged in building large India-relevant projects leveraging Microsoft's Azure platform. Various corporate honchos like Cognizant, CDC Software, Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Mahindra Satyam and HCL Technologies are building applications and solutions across verticals for both local and global markets. This will help train large number of professionals for the upcoming need of cloud computing professionals. Those interested in pursuing a career in this field will be skilled in the profession and made aware of the intricacies of the field.

India is the most sought after market globally in terms of manpower and the advanced technology practices. It is surely set to bring in the revolution in the world.

Why do you need a job??

You must be thinking I am asking such a silly question or have raised discussion on a very stupid topic. But, if we actually give it a thought it’s a pure valid question. Look, this is a very well known fact that every Indian at the end aims to be become an entrepreneur. He is happier with owning a business rather than himself being owned by someone as other's property. Then in such a scenario, the question why do you need a job sounds quite logical one. I asked the same question from myself also, that at the end I too want to have my own agency, then why am I doing this job, why am I wasting my years working for some other company and adding to its growth.
The answer obviously came from me, inside me, which stated that you need this job, because you need stability in your life and moreover you want to gain expertise in the field before actually implementing it in your own projects. And i am sure; these are the basic reasons why during the very first stage of his career a student opts for a job in his respective field. Other than stability anderience, the person is also entitled with family responsibilities, and a job is a work place, which provides financial security to his family and life.
A fixed income is what seems to be the most promising factor, why students go for jobs. Also, jobs these days are the best source to way off tensions, which generally get hailed due to personal businesses. Family peace and a smooth lifestyle are also few of the elements, which contributes to the high growth rate of jobs in India. Well, I can conclude now that we should first try and make our lives stable by opting a renowned job, then slowly and steadily can shift towards our dream business or doing that simultaneously is also not a bad option. Because in that case the only thing required extra would be hard work and hard work is the second name to success!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

India among Best Talents in the World

Shortage of talent is not much a problem in India as in other countries of the world. According to the annual talent shortage survey conducted by HR Solutions firm Manpower globally, nearly one-third employers around the world find it difficult to fill in key positions in their organizations. Though the problem is severe in Asia Pacific region, India fares quite well on the talent availability front.

The survey found out that barely 16% employers in India out of 1,700 respondents had difficulty in accessing candidates with appropriate. After all, India has not become an off-shoring and outsourcing hub just like that. It is believed that since the employers have become more specific about the combination of skill sets they are looking for, it may be a problem to hunt for the fully equipped candidates.

The employers today not only seek technical capabilities, but also additional qualities that will help drive their organization forward. This may be upsetting the job seekers who will need to be more skilled and responsible in order to land up with a favorable job as well as for the employers who find it laborious to get the combination.

The survey covers 35,000 employers across 36 countries and also lists countries facing an acute talent shortage. The countries like that of India, US, UK and Norway are among those where shortage of skilled labor seems less problematic. 14% employers in the US, 9% in the UK and 11% in the Norway reported a brush with talent shortage. This figure grew as high as 40% for countries such as Australia, Mexico, Peru, Taiwan and the Hong Kong in China. The overwhelming shortage of talented manpower was reported in Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Singapore and Poland where 50% or more employers said they could not find the right talent for their businesses.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Career in Healthcare in India

Healthcare means preventive, analytical and curative preservation and is divided into

(a) General Healthcare and
(b) Healthcare IT or (HIT).

Healthcare Management is one of the most exciting career fields for those interested in it and offers plenty of job opportunities in India.

Healthcare IT or (HIT) involves the use of computer and digital technology in medical facilities to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical healthcare for patients and providers. One needs a minimum of bachelor’s degree either in healthcare or IT while advanced degrees like that of MBA, MSN or MS in IT or MIS-related field are always helpful.

Jobs in healthcare industry in India can be found in Ambulatory care facilities, Consulting firms, Healthcare associations, Home health agencies, Hospitals and hospital systems, Integrated delivery systems, Long-term care facilities, Managed care organizations (such as HMOs and PPOs), Medical group practices, Mental health organizations, Public health departments and University or research institutions.

Indian healthcare market is expected to reach over US$ 70 billion by next year. It has been experiencing phenomenal growth of 12% per annum from last few years according to Investment Commission of India. Medical tourism in India is also growing exponentially as it offers quality healthcare at affordable costs. Private hospitals and medical practitioners play an important role in delivering healthcare services.

One may enter into any of the specialized areas like Finance, Government relations, Human resources (HR), Information systems (IT), Marketing and public affairs, Materials management (purchasing of equipment and supplies), Medical staff relations, Nursing administration, Patient care services or Planning and development. The skills required to begin with a career in healthcare sector are academic training, experience, communication skills, adaptability, dependability, judgment, character and general management skills. Medical professionals are paid well from the beginning level as they shoulder the huge responsibility of taking care of the health of the public.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

India, an Outsourcing Hub Forever!

India has been an outsourcing hub for all gargantuan brands all over the world who come to India for cheaper yet highly skilled workforce. The trend has taken a higher toll ever since recession struck the global economy with numerous companies nearly shutting down their headquarters and outsourcing jobs in India.

The latest in the league is outsourcing mortgage underwriting and other administration jobs in India. After Kent Reliance, Ipswich Building Society is contemplating transfer of its back office operations to reduce radically administration costs. Many mutuals have started sharing back office tasks and outsourcing their administration to India in a bid to lower overheads.

Building societies are eager to drive down the costs as the sector struggles under the pressure of greater regulation and a shortage of liquidity. Newcastle Building Society runs IT systems used by other mutuals while Skipton Building Society owns a company that carries out auditing and administration jobs for its rivals. The consideration to move administration jobs to India clearly emphasizes and reinforces the possession of talented pool of professionals by the country.

This news brings with it a positive sentiment in the Indian job market, promising generation of thousands of administration jobs. So, admin professionals looking for better employment opportunities with a multi national have a new door open to them. Job market in India is now flooding with both government and private jobs in national and multi national companies. The attrition rates across the country are also expected to grow higher with various companies coming up with mega deals to provide benefits to the employees.

India is the favorite outsourcing and off-shoring hub that helps in not only generating jobs but overall development of the nation. But presently, the great news is that job market is reviving and preparing to offer better packages.

Cracking an Interview in Tough Job Market

The job market today has become extremely tough to penetrate through as there are scanty work opportunities available. Trying to find a job in the present world is like throwing an arrow in the darkness. The job market in India has been picking up from last few months but the difficulty levels have also risen.

The chances of landing up with well paying jobs, especially for those new to an industry have become very few. Jobs for both fresh graduates or fist timers and those laid off due to recession have to be created. And since India is back on fast paced development track, it is offering hundreds of jobs across all the industries.

For both new and old job seekers, cracking the interview remains a big hurdle. Recruiters see tests and interviews as an ultimate way of hiring a suitable candidate. Screening and aptitude tests are significant short listing tools that help assess the mental capabilities of an individual. This makes it important for the candidate to work on their resumes and be well prepared for the tests.

Next comes preparing for the interview as it is the first point of contact between the prospective employee with the employer. A candidate should know well about the organization and the role he is expected to function through. The conduct and consistency also hold a lot of importance in an interview as employers establish the confidence levels through the body language of the candidate. One should be relaxed and carry the right attitude when appearing for an interview.

It is also essential to know about the current affairs across the world as it keeps you updated and you appear to be a socially aware and well informed person. Just think of the interview as a meeting with a potential employer who wants to know you before recruiting you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Approaching Your First Job

It is that time of the year when students are graduating from their colleges and ready to kick start their corporate career. Some have landed with a job already, some are busy choosing from among the options available and some are still pursuing the hunt.

The inexperienced graduates or freshers should always begin with a company that gives them maximum exposure. The job should be interesting and should give humungous scope to explore your abilities and capabilities. The focus for first timers and new beginners has to be learning and knowing the work well over money. If possible, get attached to a veteran and see how he wrestles with the situations and customers. Being a youngster, you should respond to the sheer fun and thrill of responsibilities you are endowed with as this makes you conducive.

The new recruits must be ready to unleash your potential on the organization as there is a lot of entrepreneurial scope even in the early years of working. The first job has to be about much more than just the first salary as it helps shape your attitude and spirit for the rest of your professional life. In words of S. Giridhar, Head of Programs and Advocacy at Azim Premji Foundation, salaries are funny animals and it is impossible to plot or predict the salary graph. The first job is important as it has the life-defining potential to somehow calibrate an individual’s appetite for initiative and risk taking, hard work, humility and respect for colleagues.

A good first job is like an umbilical relationship that can never be replaced. It is crucial for you to give yourself a full chance in the first job by being positive in thought and deed. Don’t worry about the organization being small or big, just give the best of everything you can.

How to give life to your work station

Don’t you get bored sitting at the same place whole day, doing the same work, in the same environment, dealing with the same kind of people? It is always said, the only thing which remains constant in our lives is change. This change is also important to keep our lives moving and throw away the factor of monotonous from our lives. So, you should keep changing or adding on new things in or around the place you live in. This can be done either by changing your wardrobe, or changing the whole lifestyle and adding more colours to your life. Another important place, where one tends to spend most of the time duration of his day, is the office.

Work station is the most important and the sacred place in the life of an employee, a place, where we spend maximum time of our day, adding to the productivity of the organisation we are working for. To make sure that the place motivates you to work and give the maximum of your output, it is very necessary that the place and the work environment matches your likes and preferences. Obviously, whole of the office cannot be designed or structured according to the preferences of particular employees or staff. But, a place inside the office, which defines the personality of the employee and helps him in producing the best of your results, is your work station. It is the place, which you can decorate according to your convenience and mould the things according to your interest, keeping in mind the factors, which it should not disturb, the other employees of the office.

The decoration or the small- small things decorated on your work desk can actually make you feel better, when you are sad and de-motivated. Photos of family, friends, works as an inspiration sometimes, and reminds us our goal and the aims to be achieved in our lives. Also, it’s a very easy and interesting way to add life to the boring and steady office life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hiring and Firing

Hiring and firing seems to be rhyming words, with the only difference in their initials. But, mind it; these initials have the power to make or ruin your future. These words can make the person shed tears of happiness as well as sadness. I know you would agree with me on the fact, that these days, jobs have become the priority for everyone. After completing education, they want to earn their living and prove to the world their ability and strength. A hell lot of competition is seen inside the family, relatives and colleagues which makes the person more aggressive and makes him look for a better job than his mates in the social circle.

These days, job is something, which one cannot do without. It is not only the mode to earn money, but is also the main source to show off in the society. Being associated with the top brands of the country is surely a matter of pride for the person, as well for his family. And at the same time, having no job, or with a job, which is of less value, makes a person face the situation of shame in front of his family. Also, because of the commencement of talented and capable labour in the job industry, hiring and firing are the two most common terms, which one gets to hear during his working days.

Performance counts, you need to be highly capable and efficient to grab and sustain the job with yourself. If the other candidate performs better than you, then the company says good bye to you! It is somewhere right also, because at the end the organisations want the benefit, and if the employee is not producing profitable results, then its better to lay off the employee. Rather than being this rude to the employees, the companies can also consider the option of shifting the under- performing employees to some other departments, in which they are able to give their best and contribute towards the organisation’s growth. Thus, you as an employee, have to be extra careful and put in more than required, in terms of work performance, to shed off the word firing from your professional life, and earn fame in your work arena.

Indian companies having big hiring plans for 2010- 2011

Recession is gone, that is sure, and to prove the fact, the majors of the Indian market, from almost all the industries are planning to hire a large number of employees in the year 2010. If this comes, true, it would turn out to be great news for all the students passing out this year and candidates who have been in search for jobs from long. Acquiring a job is the dream and need of every man these days, and moreover jobs in the most renowned companies of the country are surely a golden opportunity for the candidates. Don’t worry, I am not trying to make a fool out of you, whatever I am writing is according to a research report by E&Y & Kelly Services, the global consulting firms.

According to the reports, a total of around 5, 00, 000 jobs opportunities are expected to knock the doors of candidates in India from the fields of IT, Telecom. Healthcare and banking in the year 2010-2011, with the bifurcation as mentioned below:

Health Care- 2.5 Lakh Jobs
IT & ITES – 1.5 Lakh Jobs
Telecom – 1.0 Lakh Jobs
Banking Sector -0.4 Lakh Jobs

Also, according to a study done by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, the jobs in the manufacturing industry is going to add 28 million job opportunities for the aspirants in the field of IT and technology.

All these facts, surely leads to a hope in me that the future job market in India is expected to grow and to a large scale, with the consumption of all the skilled but unemployed labour of the country. Also, the growth rate of the Indian economy as a whole will also increase, leading to more developments and advancements in the country. So all the ambitious job seekers, keep yourselves and your resume updated, because very soon you are going to get a job worth your talent.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Smart work Vs. Hard Work

Job is something, which nobody is satisfied with. Either you are not able to get the job of your choice, or you are not happy with the work environment. I have seen very less people, who say and actually are fully satisfied with their work and position in office. The employees can always be heard backbiting about the load and excess of targets given by their bosses. The best way to successfully do a job is by implementing the theory of smart work in your job. It’s not always necessary to put in all the hard work to generate best results, but smart work can also lead to success in the tasks assigned. This does not mean, that you do not have to use your mind for bringing results, in fact, in case of smart work more brainstorming and intelligence is involved. Hard work is generally the repetition of the traditional methods of completing the job allocated.

There has been a fight always, in the work field, over the hard and smart work. The employees keep cribbing over the fact that they want to know the key techniques to adopt approach of smart work in their job routine. But, to be honest, there is no key route or technique which can be implied to have better and progressive results through smart work. An employee should always analyse the work before actually doing it, doing the task randomly, without applying your brains into it, makes the thing more complicated and tough. And one should remember, cribbing over things won’t bring any results, it would in fact lessen your productivity, so all the tasks should be done with full heart and concentration. Because at the end if it does not bring appreciable and satisfactory results, then it’s of no use and all your hard work will fall into dumb ears.

The approach which one can use, to accomplish more than what is being assigned to you, is to have a balanced lifestyle. Equal time should be devoted to all the important aspects of life. Maintaining a balance between personal and professional life is a tough task, but one who achieves it, according to me, is the master in both the spheres of life.

Indian Banks on a Recruiting Spree!

Banks in India are all set to begin with the hiring program as myriad of jobs are open in the sector. In order to meets the growth needs and to fill the gap that will be created by employees retiring this year, banks are hiring full on.

Banks are all set for a major recruitment drive as hiring becomes almost a ‘compulsion’ for public sector banks (PSBs). This mandate has risen due to following reasons:

-Most of the employees working in PSBs are nearing their retirement age. After they retire in next 2 years, a huge void of knowledgeable people will be created thud necessitating the need for hiring bankers.

-There has been a freeze on recruitments in PSBs in last few years resulting in them facing a talent crunch. Thus, an urgent need to fill in the posts already vacant from long has to be addressed as soon as possible.

-Banks are now entering diversified business segments and would need to train the newly hired lot. The growth and expansion of banking industry has resulted in raising the demand for banking professionals.

State Bank of India (SBI), the largest lender in India is expected to hire at least 50, 000 banking officers in the new fiscal year. Bank of Baroda, India's third largest State-run lender is also planning to recruit around 5,000 employees in the current financial year. Around 50,000 probationary officers (POs) are estimated to be hired by PSBs in FY11. Not only may this, at least 20, 000 business correspondents (BCs) for rural areas may be hired as part of a new plan by PSBs.

As Indian banking has witnessed a lot of up gradation in its operating system over time, proper training of the new hires becomes essential. Banking sector scores a good position among the upcoming recruitment industries.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Expect At least 5 Lakh Jobs in India!

Jobs in India are back and a windfall awaits those looking for lucrative employment avenues across IT, banking, telecom and healthcare industries. According to career experts, these four sectors alone are expected to generate over five lakhs jobs by the end of this financial year.

Researches by various global consulting firms conclude that the current financial year i.e. 2010-11 comes with immense number of job opportunities across sectors and hierarchical levels in companies. As per workforce solutions providers, hiring intensity and volumes will be significant in banking, telecom and IT sectors. The overall jobs for IT & ITes sector is expected to be 1,50,000; one lakh for telecom sector; healthcare to provide around 2.5 lakhs and banking sectors 40,000 jobs for the fiscal year 2011. Moreover, manufacturing sector including the auto and auto ancillary sectors are also likely to create around 2.5 lakhs jobs.
Other sectors that are likely to lead hiring in 2010 are Pharma, FMCG and education as these sectors are facing a talent crunch. Real estate, retail trade, manufacturing and consultancy services are among others industries expected to recruit professionals in huge numbers. In fact, job seekers in the public administration, mining and construction, finance, insurance and wholesale and retail trade sector could also look forward to a favorable hiring environment.

Overall hiring is likely to remain compelling with a positive business outlook for companies in most sectors. Hiring season is definitely back with a bang in India with all major sectors looking for expert professionals across various levels. It indicates at building up of a very positive economy with millions getting their dream jobs this year. The pay scales and incentives are also expected to improve as recruiters get ready to offer more money to the deserving candidates.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Environment at work place

Environment at work place is the most important factor for an employee to perform and give his output accordingly. I think the environment or the facilities you get at work place are directly proportional to the performance you give as an employee to your organisation. It is so simple what you get is what you give. Employees are often heard saying, “I love working at my office and I really don’t like taking leaves from job”, and you must be wondering how crazy these people are, they like office! Exactly this has happened with me too, but this is how we can judge the difference between an office with lively atmosphere and the other one with boring work culture.

These days, people prefer job environments which are cool and casual, and which allows them to be themselves and work according to their style. Obviously, there are certain standards and rules, which need to be followed by the employees of the organisation, but giving space to the employees helps in bringing the best output from them. As such, atmospheres work as a stimulant to creativity and innovation. More are the number of bright ideas by the employees, more are the chances for the company to grow fast and beat the competition.

Today’s generation is not used to live in shackles and has been a regular breaker of laws and rules, therefore companies, should keep in mind the comfort level of the younger generation to draw the maximum output of the salary paid to them. In fact, a major reason for job change, seen in youngsters is the work environment being so strict or intolerable at certain places. Short breaks during work, semi- formal attire at work unless there is a meeting and easy interaction with all levels of people are the factors which results in making employees feel comfortable at their workplace. Other than this, recognition for work and incremental perks are the main elements, which motivates a person to work at his best and do more than what he is expected to deliver. I hope, you people agree with me, and other than this, I would like to know your experience in terms of work environment and what changes you would like to bring at your workplace.

Economy’s Revival, a Harbinger of Job Switch

Indian job market is buzzing with jobs as economy begins to bounce back after the slowdown. With economy’s revival comes the load of immense expectations from both job seekers and employers. Professionals are waiting to move out of their present jobs and industries to switch to a better one.

According to a recent survey, more than 40 % of over 20,000 surveyed plan to quit their current jobs within next six months. Employees across the age and experience groups all over the country in various organizations, functional areas and industries are ready to switch their jobs both within and outside their own industry.

A tough road of attrition has been clearly indicated at by the survey. The disillusionment of recession times had left everyone fretful and disturbed but in the current scenario, new hopes have raised. Middle and lower levels were the most affected and so, higher attrition rate is expected from these levels. Professionals at these levels have no qualms about leaving their current jobs for better profiles and salaries in wake of growing availability of better opportunities. .

Most of the professionals from all major cities such as Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, etc. were found eager to change jobs. Around 60% of the workforce currently employed with Manufacturing, Automobiles and BPOs is planning to change to jobs outside their industries. However, those working with Construction and Information Technology (IT) companies were looking for job change within their own industry.

This pace of attrition is quite amazing but not really unexpected. Professionals in almost all the companies, big and small alike had not received any increments or benefits last year. Their expectations are high this year but if they don’t get good enough appraisals, they would naturally like to move out of the company.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Delhi metro - job destination for many

Earlier, we always used to hear that this or that guy is keen to join Indian railways, among the most reliable and the secured career destination for any Indian. The facilities and the various job opportunities provided by the Indian railways are commendable. But with the implementation of metro rails for the internal connectivity of the areas in almost all the metropolitan cities of the country, jobs in the metro has become the call for many youngsters. Grabbing a job in the metro rail corporation of any city has become the motto for many engineers, executives or other technical degree holders of the country. If we talk about Delhi metro alone, it has got great job opportunities for the young and dynamic citizens of our country, holding diplomas or degrees in the required fields.

I was surfing the net last night, and came across the following job opportunities, that Delhi metro, offers in the field of civil, architect, electrical, signal and telecom, to the young and energetic candidates, searching for the job openings in the Delhi metro are:

  • Managers or general managers
  • Station controllers
  • Executive trainees
  • Chief engineer
  • Fire inspector
  • Train operator
  • Stores assistant
  • Accounts assistant
  • Maintainers

DMRC or Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is a joint venture of the government of India and Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, who have also been given the responsibility of appointing candidates for the respective positions in the Delhi metro. Also, it’s a very lucrative job, as you are associated with a government body and hence draws all the facilities of being a government employee. Therefore, students must keep themselves updated about the latest job openings in the Delhi metro, which can prove to be a great career option in the respective fields for the candidate. Follow the old saying; keep your eyes and ears open, who knows what’s waiting for you next!

Hackers are not always crackers !

Whenever we hear the word hacking, we relate it to illegal and non- ethical methods, which are used to steal information for harming the integrity or existence of an organisation or the company. Hackers are generally the persons who are software professionals and have attained excellence in networking, both in terms of internal and external connections. We as lay man, always refer hackers to the one who work against laws, to make things work their way. Though, it’s right that the hacking is something, in which we extract information of an entity, without his prior permission or approval, but every time hacking is not used for wrong purposes.

Hacking has proved to be a very useful tool for protecting our country from various attacks and to know the plans and secret routes of the enemies at times of wars. It is a very useful tool to dig in the resourceful information. It is the profession, where you have to think life a thief, to protect your company’s information, from getting hacked. The people who work as hackers are called ethical hackers, or white hat people, who are used by the companies to spy on their competitors and their moves. All the big names in the industry like WIPRO, IBM, Infosys, have separate team of hackers, working under the tag of information security providers. These people are legally employed by the organisations to keep a track on the development and growth policies of their competitors and to keep their security systems strong, so that no one can peep into their internal matters.

According to me, ethical hackers are doing a great job, not only with respect to their alliance benefits, but they have also proved to be a great source to protect our country’s confidential data from being stolen. Also, hacking can be used as a tool, to keep an eye on the terrorist plans and attacks, which in turn would be highly beneficial for the security and safety measures of our country. So, we should not always call hackers as crackers, and hacking as a job needs to be encouraged in the country.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Are you a Foodie?

Good News for Foodies… Eat and Get Paid!

Are you a foodie? How About Getting Paid for Being so!

There is good news for all you food lovers. Your dream job lies ahead and what makes you a potential candidate is your love for food. You can be paid a whopping 24,000 pounds if you have a big appetite and can happily allow an intake of 400 extra calories every day. Yep, that’s the only qualification!

Similar to ‘mystery shopping’ where people are paid for shop and eat, companies are now willing to pay lazy individuals to do nothing but eat more. These positions are currently open in Proactol Ltd. to both men and women and the ideal candidate should not be on a diet. He/ She should be eating a healthy balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and be willing to increase the calorie intake by 16% a week. The candidate would be required to eat fattening foods such as Chinese, fish and chips, pizza and burgers.

Could you believe that someone would pay you hefty amounts of money just to do what you regularly do or more precisely to eat. Well, I could not when I read about it in the paper this morning but then, this is obviously not without reason. This will be done to test the fat-binding properties of a weight loss product as Proactol Ltd believes in testing their already clinically proven fat binders in the real world. The testers would help the medical experts know more about the health benefits of taking the product which it claimed absorbs up to 30% fat intake.

The calorific intake and weight of the employee will be closely monitored by medics. And, after the initial in-house monitoring period, he would work from home while supplies being delivered at doorstep. And for this, the salary shall be an incredible £23,750 a year. So, go, try your luck!

Indian Employers are Hiring!

According to a survey conducted by Ma Foi Consultants on Employment Trends, more than a million new jobs are set to enter the Indian job market in 2010-11. The announcement by saying ‘Jobs are Back’ holds full credibility and conviction in this context. This survey was carried out among a thousand companies across 11 industries to know about their recruitment plans till the end of year.

This sector is set to create maximum number of jobs that amounts to a whopping 3
lakhs. In spite of the global recession, Indian pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
kept growing and increasing manpower. Furthermore, efforts are being made to
add new hospital beds and to expand the areas of super-specialty healthcare, insurance
facilities and medical tourism.

Other upcoming sectors with highest number of employment opportunities are Hospitality & Travel and Real Estate & Construction with around a lakh and half jobs. IT and ITES sector comes next with at least a lakh jobs while becoming fourth largest sector in job creation.

The sector of Banking and Financial Services (BFSI) is expected to witness vacancies for nearly 50, 000 positions due to the retirement of around 35% staff by year end.

Education and Training:
There has always been a lack of schools and teachers in India as it houses world’s largest
student population. With an up-swing in education sector, jobs for more than 80, 000
teachers and trainers will be generated.

Other sectors providing substantial jobs include:
-Energy generation & supply and Trade industries with 15, 000 jobs;
-Transport, Storage & Communication with around 30, 000 jobs and
-Manufacturing sector with 68000 jobs.

It is also observed that tier-II cities showed better signs of revival than the bigger ones. Employers are definitely headhunting for the right talent again, try your luck too!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gone are the days of buttering!

Job is the ultimate aim of every individual, whether it’s a student pursuing a course in management or it’s a singer, all of us, at the end wants to encash their talent and earn our living out of it. We all, from the very starting of our life, have in mind, what is aim of our life, what we want, where do we want to reach and accordingly we pave or road to success. Though, the definition of aim and goal keeps on changing as we grow in our career life. To keep growing and achieving different levels of success, you need to keep on polishing your skills and talent.

Today, appraisals and promotions are no more dependent on the traditional formula of buttering. Talent is the keyword; you not only need to excel in your area of interest but should possess knowledge about other areas of concern. Multiple tasking is what an organisation demands these days. Also, doing the same thing for the whole life brings the element of boredom in your life, so to make your life interesting and happening, you need to keep on exploring more opportunities in the same field.

With the advancements, in almost every industry, we as employees get more opportunities to prove our capabilities by trying hands on different new projects. This is possible with the growing competition between organisations, and somewhere in this race, we are at benefit, because our talent gets recognised and these days, more and more hiring is done not only on the basis of certificates but, on the basis of practical knowledge. So, we can say jobs security is no more dependent on your buttering abilities, you have to excel in your field of interest to retain your job and to gain confidence of your organisation, though that talent has to be proved by us every day, to keep growing and maintain our position in the company.

International Women’s Week: Time to Improve Condition of Women

International Women’s Day (IWD) has become an important day to proclaim women's rights and international peace. It brings attention to the social, economic, political, legal and cultural issues faced by women around the world. Further, it is a time to celebrate the great strides made in advancing the status of women and to determine the future action to address the ongoing challenges faced by women.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon marked International Women's Day by saying that until the time women and girls are liberated from poverty and injustice; peace, security and development of nations stand in jeopardy. Therefore, it is an opportunity to reflect on the outstanding needs of women left unaddressed.

Working women have progressed a great deal but continue to face a lot of exploitation be it on personal or professional fronts. They are expected to make compromises if they want to succeed and achieve their ambitions. Women in rural areas, especially, are restricted to their household chores and are never given an opportunity to see the outside world. Instead, they are burdened with responsibilities and challenges related to poverty, domestic violence, bankruptcy, rearing children and ailing seniors. Further, they are mostly unemployed and underpaid being deprived of the resources and support of larger cities.

Homecare, literacy, pension ability, food security, etc. are some of the basic facilities women can avail by being literate and by working in an uplifting environment. Providing individualism and independence by generating more jobs for women will only help in overall development of nations. Let’s promise to help women uphold their dignity and assert their rights to make world a greater place to live in.

On this Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the spirit of womanhood. Let’s make the fairer sex feel privileged, not deprived; a competent sex not the weaker one.

Jobless?? Won’t be Anymore

As we all know, ‘life is a learning process’ and so, you must always take every success and every failure as an event of learning. Keep yourself focused and that is possible only if your mind has an optimistic setup because it is only then that you can decide right. Keep your eyes and ears open and be alert to the upcoming options.

Being jobless is a widespread phenomenon in today’s world of economic slowdown. It has become quite common to hear about layoffs and unemployment in the present scenario. But, various reports and surveys have confirmed that a huge job market is set to open and absorb hundreds of professionals soon. Jobs in India across various industries will be available in large numbers as a gradual exit of recession can be seen. This spurt in jobs is because of the immediate shortage of manpower being felt after the economy has bounced back to its original state.

For instance, jobs in banking sector in both private and public banks as well as financial institutions is expected to witness an upsurge due to retirement of 35% staff next year and the growth in demand for banking services.

Also, job search today, has become easier with online job portals like improving their services everyday. It has introduced at least 16 new industries in its portfolio to bring job seekers and employers closer. This move will help you get jobs at a quicker pace as they have become more industry specific. Jobs in IT, aviation, mining, publishing, glass and steel industry, etc. have been coming up.

All you have to do is to be prepared. Unravel options and find the path that will lead you to your choice of career. Think positive and believe in yourself. Renew your resume and gear up for the interviews.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Changing Jobs Frequently? Wait and Read on

The materialistic and status conscious world of today has changed the whole scenario related to job stability and longevity. There were times when people would spend their entire career in association with just one company and leaving jobs in search of a better one was quite unheard of. The job market of present times has gone for a makeover since then with constant expansion of employment opportunities.

The flourishing of corporate companies in India and abroad has generated various career opportunities that offer wider options for the job seekers leading to frequent job changes. The attractions leading to a job change majorly are lucrative salaries, growth prospects and higher designation within the same industry. But, it is very important to remember that change of employers should be done very prudently or else you would be quickly tagged as a ‘job hopper’ by the industry.

We all are aware of the fact that companies avoid recruiting candidates who have changed various numbers of jobs in a short span of time. Besides their reservations, it may also leave a negative impression on your potential employers as:
-They may think that probably it was you who is inefficient and was thrown out by the previous employer.
- Every organization, as a rule of thumb, hires professionals with a long-term approach. They only need stable employees who can contribute to the growth of their company for a long time.
- Another reason is that they obviously don’t want to waste their time, resources, money and productivity on training and hiring you.

Make sure that you leave your present job only for very valid and weighty reasons. You will always keep finding a little better options but you have to decide which ones is worth it and can keep you in the long run.