Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Smart work Vs. Hard Work

Job is something, which nobody is satisfied with. Either you are not able to get the job of your choice, or you are not happy with the work environment. I have seen very less people, who say and actually are fully satisfied with their work and position in office. The employees can always be heard backbiting about the load and excess of targets given by their bosses. The best way to successfully do a job is by implementing the theory of smart work in your job. It’s not always necessary to put in all the hard work to generate best results, but smart work can also lead to success in the tasks assigned. This does not mean, that you do not have to use your mind for bringing results, in fact, in case of smart work more brainstorming and intelligence is involved. Hard work is generally the repetition of the traditional methods of completing the job allocated.

There has been a fight always, in the work field, over the hard and smart work. The employees keep cribbing over the fact that they want to know the key techniques to adopt approach of smart work in their job routine. But, to be honest, there is no key route or technique which can be implied to have better and progressive results through smart work. An employee should always analyse the work before actually doing it, doing the task randomly, without applying your brains into it, makes the thing more complicated and tough. And one should remember, cribbing over things won’t bring any results, it would in fact lessen your productivity, so all the tasks should be done with full heart and concentration. Because at the end if it does not bring appreciable and satisfactory results, then it’s of no use and all your hard work will fall into dumb ears.

The approach which one can use, to accomplish more than what is being assigned to you, is to have a balanced lifestyle. Equal time should be devoted to all the important aspects of life. Maintaining a balance between personal and professional life is a tough task, but one who achieves it, according to me, is the master in both the spheres of life.

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