Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Career in Healthcare in India

Healthcare means preventive, analytical and curative preservation and is divided into

(a) General Healthcare and
(b) Healthcare IT or (HIT).

Healthcare Management is one of the most exciting career fields for those interested in it and offers plenty of job opportunities in India.

Healthcare IT or (HIT) involves the use of computer and digital technology in medical facilities to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical healthcare for patients and providers. One needs a minimum of bachelor’s degree either in healthcare or IT while advanced degrees like that of MBA, MSN or MS in IT or MIS-related field are always helpful.

Jobs in healthcare industry in India can be found in Ambulatory care facilities, Consulting firms, Healthcare associations, Home health agencies, Hospitals and hospital systems, Integrated delivery systems, Long-term care facilities, Managed care organizations (such as HMOs and PPOs), Medical group practices, Mental health organizations, Public health departments and University or research institutions.

Indian healthcare market is expected to reach over US$ 70 billion by next year. It has been experiencing phenomenal growth of 12% per annum from last few years according to Investment Commission of India. Medical tourism in India is also growing exponentially as it offers quality healthcare at affordable costs. Private hospitals and medical practitioners play an important role in delivering healthcare services.

One may enter into any of the specialized areas like Finance, Government relations, Human resources (HR), Information systems (IT), Marketing and public affairs, Materials management (purchasing of equipment and supplies), Medical staff relations, Nursing administration, Patient care services or Planning and development. The skills required to begin with a career in healthcare sector are academic training, experience, communication skills, adaptability, dependability, judgment, character and general management skills. Medical professionals are paid well from the beginning level as they shoulder the huge responsibility of taking care of the health of the public.

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