Friday, March 12, 2010

Changing Jobs Frequently? Wait and Read on

The materialistic and status conscious world of today has changed the whole scenario related to job stability and longevity. There were times when people would spend their entire career in association with just one company and leaving jobs in search of a better one was quite unheard of. The job market of present times has gone for a makeover since then with constant expansion of employment opportunities.

The flourishing of corporate companies in India and abroad has generated various career opportunities that offer wider options for the job seekers leading to frequent job changes. The attractions leading to a job change majorly are lucrative salaries, growth prospects and higher designation within the same industry. But, it is very important to remember that change of employers should be done very prudently or else you would be quickly tagged as a ‘job hopper’ by the industry.

We all are aware of the fact that companies avoid recruiting candidates who have changed various numbers of jobs in a short span of time. Besides their reservations, it may also leave a negative impression on your potential employers as:
-They may think that probably it was you who is inefficient and was thrown out by the previous employer.
- Every organization, as a rule of thumb, hires professionals with a long-term approach. They only need stable employees who can contribute to the growth of their company for a long time.
- Another reason is that they obviously don’t want to waste their time, resources, money and productivity on training and hiring you.

Make sure that you leave your present job only for very valid and weighty reasons. You will always keep finding a little better options but you have to decide which ones is worth it and can keep you in the long run.

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