Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Exploring Paths for Indian Youth - To Participate in Nation Building

India is developing tremendously especially from past five years not only economically but socially as well. Though there are some people who want to remain backward and do not want India to progress but the youth is much more aware than ever before. It is actively working towards building a better nation.

Recently, a conference ‘Exploring Spaces for Young Indians in Government’ was held in Delhi at India International Center on 3rd July. The objective of this meet was to explore different paths for young professionals in government and to discuss a structured way of attracting them to public service through Management and Leadership Fellowship Program. Indian youth is now taking interest in entering the government system and do what they can for their country by not opting for careers in private sectors.

The conference was organized by Global Young Indian Professionals and Students (GYIPS), a growing global network created to help young Indians grow professionally as well as contribute to the social, political and economic development of India. Formed almost a year ago in August 2009, it has over 750 members worldwide across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Washington DC, London, New York and Boston. The group received an overwhelming response for 75 seats with more than 250 applications coming in.

According to the current trends, it has been observed that youth is ready to explore careers in public or government sectors altering the regular path of choosing a private job. It indicates at the steady shift in youth participation in Indian government activities expected in the years to come. This is to help greatly in nation building as the youth decides to take the reins of the country’s governing fabric into their hands. Earlier, youngsters disillusioned by corruption, inefficiency and nepotism in government wished to stay away from public sectors but are now coming forward.

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