Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hackers are not always crackers !

Whenever we hear the word hacking, we relate it to illegal and non- ethical methods, which are used to steal information for harming the integrity or existence of an organisation or the company. Hackers are generally the persons who are software professionals and have attained excellence in networking, both in terms of internal and external connections. We as lay man, always refer hackers to the one who work against laws, to make things work their way. Though, it’s right that the hacking is something, in which we extract information of an entity, without his prior permission or approval, but every time hacking is not used for wrong purposes.

Hacking has proved to be a very useful tool for protecting our country from various attacks and to know the plans and secret routes of the enemies at times of wars. It is a very useful tool to dig in the resourceful information. It is the profession, where you have to think life a thief, to protect your company’s information, from getting hacked. The people who work as hackers are called ethical hackers, or white hat people, who are used by the companies to spy on their competitors and their moves. All the big names in the industry like WIPRO, IBM, Infosys, have separate team of hackers, working under the tag of information security providers. These people are legally employed by the organisations to keep a track on the development and growth policies of their competitors and to keep their security systems strong, so that no one can peep into their internal matters.

According to me, ethical hackers are doing a great job, not only with respect to their alliance benefits, but they have also proved to be a great source to protect our country’s confidential data from being stolen. Also, hacking can be used as a tool, to keep an eye on the terrorist plans and attacks, which in turn would be highly beneficial for the security and safety measures of our country. So, we should not always call hackers as crackers, and hacking as a job needs to be encouraged in the country.

1 comment:

  1. A hacker who cracks and hacks systems is not only interested in breaking the security of the system but also in knowing about the system's details, by which he gains much more than by simply cracking systems. Unlike a cracker, a hacker generally does not have intention destroy data maliciously or to steel things.
