Thursday, May 27, 2010

India among Best Talents in the World

Shortage of talent is not much a problem in India as in other countries of the world. According to the annual talent shortage survey conducted by HR Solutions firm Manpower globally, nearly one-third employers around the world find it difficult to fill in key positions in their organizations. Though the problem is severe in Asia Pacific region, India fares quite well on the talent availability front.

The survey found out that barely 16% employers in India out of 1,700 respondents had difficulty in accessing candidates with appropriate. After all, India has not become an off-shoring and outsourcing hub just like that. It is believed that since the employers have become more specific about the combination of skill sets they are looking for, it may be a problem to hunt for the fully equipped candidates.

The employers today not only seek technical capabilities, but also additional qualities that will help drive their organization forward. This may be upsetting the job seekers who will need to be more skilled and responsible in order to land up with a favorable job as well as for the employers who find it laborious to get the combination.

The survey covers 35,000 employers across 36 countries and also lists countries facing an acute talent shortage. The countries like that of India, US, UK and Norway are among those where shortage of skilled labor seems less problematic. 14% employers in the US, 9% in the UK and 11% in the Norway reported a brush with talent shortage. This figure grew as high as 40% for countries such as Australia, Mexico, Peru, Taiwan and the Hong Kong in China. The overwhelming shortage of talented manpower was reported in Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Singapore and Poland where 50% or more employers said they could not find the right talent for their businesses.

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