Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hiring and Firing

Hiring and firing seems to be rhyming words, with the only difference in their initials. But, mind it; these initials have the power to make or ruin your future. These words can make the person shed tears of happiness as well as sadness. I know you would agree with me on the fact, that these days, jobs have become the priority for everyone. After completing education, they want to earn their living and prove to the world their ability and strength. A hell lot of competition is seen inside the family, relatives and colleagues which makes the person more aggressive and makes him look for a better job than his mates in the social circle.

These days, job is something, which one cannot do without. It is not only the mode to earn money, but is also the main source to show off in the society. Being associated with the top brands of the country is surely a matter of pride for the person, as well for his family. And at the same time, having no job, or with a job, which is of less value, makes a person face the situation of shame in front of his family. Also, because of the commencement of talented and capable labour in the job industry, hiring and firing are the two most common terms, which one gets to hear during his working days.

Performance counts, you need to be highly capable and efficient to grab and sustain the job with yourself. If the other candidate performs better than you, then the company says good bye to you! It is somewhere right also, because at the end the organisations want the benefit, and if the employee is not producing profitable results, then its better to lay off the employee. Rather than being this rude to the employees, the companies can also consider the option of shifting the under- performing employees to some other departments, in which they are able to give their best and contribute towards the organisation’s growth. Thus, you as an employee, have to be extra careful and put in more than required, in terms of work performance, to shed off the word firing from your professional life, and earn fame in your work arena.


  1. very well written...i blv in d last para wch u wrote tht co's shld adopt dis practice of choosing some other alternative instead of firing an employee..if d person is d sole runner for wld b a disaster n pain for him...n i blv ppl also tend to suicide coz f dese reasons...adopting this wil lower down d percentage of suicides...

  2. Hi ..i partially agree with you shitima , i think a company also has rights to fire a person as in todays world money counts and there is no one who would let his money get wasted as salary to a non-productive employee . A better thought to it would be for a co. giving its employee some notice time and compensation till the time he/she finds another source of income. I think most of the organisations follow the same procedure and if not ...its all against humanity >>
