Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Indian Employers are Hiring!

According to a survey conducted by Ma Foi Consultants on Employment Trends, more than a million new jobs are set to enter the Indian job market in 2010-11. The announcement by naukri.com saying ‘Jobs are Back’ holds full credibility and conviction in this context. This survey was carried out among a thousand companies across 11 industries to know about their recruitment plans till the end of year.

This sector is set to create maximum number of jobs that amounts to a whopping 3
lakhs. In spite of the global recession, Indian pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
kept growing and increasing manpower. Furthermore, efforts are being made to
add new hospital beds and to expand the areas of super-specialty healthcare, insurance
facilities and medical tourism.

Other upcoming sectors with highest number of employment opportunities are Hospitality & Travel and Real Estate & Construction with around a lakh and half jobs. IT and ITES sector comes next with at least a lakh jobs while becoming fourth largest sector in job creation.

The sector of Banking and Financial Services (BFSI) is expected to witness vacancies for nearly 50, 000 positions due to the retirement of around 35% staff by year end.

Education and Training:
There has always been a lack of schools and teachers in India as it houses world’s largest
student population. With an up-swing in education sector, jobs for more than 80, 000
teachers and trainers will be generated.

Other sectors providing substantial jobs include:
-Energy generation & supply and Trade industries with 15, 000 jobs;
-Transport, Storage & Communication with around 30, 000 jobs and
-Manufacturing sector with 68000 jobs.

It is also observed that tier-II cities showed better signs of revival than the bigger ones. Employers are definitely headhunting for the right talent again, try your luck too!

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