Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Working in the monsoon!!

Finally the time has come, for which we all have been waiting for. Whether, its you or me, I hope all of us have been eagerly waiting for monsoons. It feels so good, when early morning we get to see water drops, welcoming us, falling on our face and motivating us to go to our jobs with smiling faces. The morning is obviously so nice and even the rest of the day goes amazing, with cool and chilled atmosphere outside. Looking outside from the window of our office, we tend to think, about going out in the rain and enjoying with the friends and the family members. But, at the end we know our responsibilities and try to fresh our moods, by having a small walk outside with our colleagues. The fresh air adds to the inspiration for work and makes us add value to our work and overall job done by us.

These small patches of rain, when falls on a hot city like Delhi acts as a stress buster for the workers and makes them relived from the office and other tensions. I know in a such a beautiful weather, no one wants to come to office and work, but we always have an option of working at our best for the whole day and then enjoying the evening with our family and friends. Job is an integral part of our life; it is the source through which we earn our living. It not only makes us earn for our family, but also teaches us various lessons of life. And adding to these lessons is the flavour of rain, which comes very often but adds the tint of happiness and freshness in our lives.

So I would only say, mix the feeling of enjoyment with the seriousness of work and you would be able to produce the best of your job results.

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