Thursday, April 8, 2010

Environment at work place

Environment at work place is the most important factor for an employee to perform and give his output accordingly. I think the environment or the facilities you get at work place are directly proportional to the performance you give as an employee to your organisation. It is so simple what you get is what you give. Employees are often heard saying, “I love working at my office and I really don’t like taking leaves from job”, and you must be wondering how crazy these people are, they like office! Exactly this has happened with me too, but this is how we can judge the difference between an office with lively atmosphere and the other one with boring work culture.

These days, people prefer job environments which are cool and casual, and which allows them to be themselves and work according to their style. Obviously, there are certain standards and rules, which need to be followed by the employees of the organisation, but giving space to the employees helps in bringing the best output from them. As such, atmospheres work as a stimulant to creativity and innovation. More are the number of bright ideas by the employees, more are the chances for the company to grow fast and beat the competition.

Today’s generation is not used to live in shackles and has been a regular breaker of laws and rules, therefore companies, should keep in mind the comfort level of the younger generation to draw the maximum output of the salary paid to them. In fact, a major reason for job change, seen in youngsters is the work environment being so strict or intolerable at certain places. Short breaks during work, semi- formal attire at work unless there is a meeting and easy interaction with all levels of people are the factors which results in making employees feel comfortable at their workplace. Other than this, recognition for work and incremental perks are the main elements, which motivates a person to work at his best and do more than what he is expected to deliver. I hope, you people agree with me, and other than this, I would like to know your experience in terms of work environment and what changes you would like to bring at your workplace.

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