Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Employees prefer job stability over higher salaries

Businesses are expanding overseas and so are the job opportunities for common man. The job market today, has grown to a larger extent and is giving opportunity to new talent in different arenas of work. The prime reason for doing a job has always been the money or the salary part, but the times are changing and candidates are giving preference to the brand name and the job profile. There is a great demand of experienced candidates in the companies, which are valued high with great salaries. But now many employees can be seen denying the proposals from, even the companies at the top level, offering higher salary packages. Stability has become the watchword these days; the employees have become more loyal to their brand and can no longer be lured by huge salary packages..

This is actually changing the trend of the job industry and making the companies have more trust on their employees. This also helps in making the office environment more comfortable and cosy to work in. The employees are able to enjoy a livelier atmosphere at the workplace. The credit for changing trends can be given to the economic slowdown, which has lead to the increase in the devotion level of the employees towards their work to give more productivity and at the end to retain their job. At the recession time, there rose a competition like situation inside the company, between its employees to save their job. This all lead to a fear in the mind of the employees about loosing the job, due to which they find it a better choice to sustain with their present job and keep growing with the company.

The choice of sustaining in the job also depends on your relation with the organisation and how well you gel with your colleagues. Otherwise, giving the finest performance resulting to profitable output for the company is the best way to have a high career growth.

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