Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why do you need a job??

You must be thinking I am asking such a silly question or have raised discussion on a very stupid topic. But, if we actually give it a thought it’s a pure valid question. Look, this is a very well known fact that every Indian at the end aims to be become an entrepreneur. He is happier with owning a business rather than himself being owned by someone as other's property. Then in such a scenario, the question why do you need a job sounds quite logical one. I asked the same question from myself also, that at the end I too want to have my own agency, then why am I doing this job, why am I wasting my years working for some other company and adding to its growth.
The answer obviously came from me, inside me, which stated that you need this job, because you need stability in your life and moreover you want to gain expertise in the field before actually implementing it in your own projects. And i am sure; these are the basic reasons why during the very first stage of his career a student opts for a job in his respective field. Other than stability anderience, the person is also entitled with family responsibilities, and a job is a work place, which provides financial security to his family and life.
A fixed income is what seems to be the most promising factor, why students go for jobs. Also, jobs these days are the best source to way off tensions, which generally get hailed due to personal businesses. Family peace and a smooth lifestyle are also few of the elements, which contributes to the high growth rate of jobs in India. Well, I can conclude now that we should first try and make our lives stable by opting a renowned job, then slowly and steadily can shift towards our dream business or doing that simultaneously is also not a bad option. Because in that case the only thing required extra would be hard work and hard work is the second name to success!!

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