Thursday, May 6, 2010

Approaching Your First Job

It is that time of the year when students are graduating from their colleges and ready to kick start their corporate career. Some have landed with a job already, some are busy choosing from among the options available and some are still pursuing the hunt.

The inexperienced graduates or freshers should always begin with a company that gives them maximum exposure. The job should be interesting and should give humungous scope to explore your abilities and capabilities. The focus for first timers and new beginners has to be learning and knowing the work well over money. If possible, get attached to a veteran and see how he wrestles with the situations and customers. Being a youngster, you should respond to the sheer fun and thrill of responsibilities you are endowed with as this makes you conducive.

The new recruits must be ready to unleash your potential on the organization as there is a lot of entrepreneurial scope even in the early years of working. The first job has to be about much more than just the first salary as it helps shape your attitude and spirit for the rest of your professional life. In words of S. Giridhar, Head of Programs and Advocacy at Azim Premji Foundation, salaries are funny animals and it is impossible to plot or predict the salary graph. The first job is important as it has the life-defining potential to somehow calibrate an individual’s appetite for initiative and risk taking, hard work, humility and respect for colleagues.

A good first job is like an umbilical relationship that can never be replaced. It is crucial for you to give yourself a full chance in the first job by being positive in thought and deed. Don’t worry about the organization being small or big, just give the best of everything you can.

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