Thursday, September 16, 2010

Teaching jobs loosing its sheen

Teaching is the most respected profession in the world. From the very starting of our life, whatever we learn and earn are to be credited to one person, which is our teacher. Our teachers play a very important role in shaping and directing of our career and paving a prosperous route for our dream destination. Countries, all across the world, have been focussing on the education part, for the economic development of the country. The numbers of schools and colleges in India have also increased unimaginably, which is to cater the rising education need of the students. There are a number of corresponding courses also, which are getting launched in different colleges to train the students for the development of respective industries.

To teach all the students and to make them efficient enough to deal with the competencies of the world, a number of teachers are required. This directly leads to the rise in demand of the teachers for schools and colleges of India. This is an important issue to consider, that only if, the number of schools and colleges will go on increasing, it won’t solve the literacy problems. A large number of qualified teachers are required for these students to make them attain proper education in their respective fields. But, today, more than teaching other professions like engineering, communications, medicine, are preferred by the students.

Teaching has lost its sheen and students are not anymore interested in taking teaching as their career option. Education sector needs a boost for sure, but before setting up more of educational institutions, the government needs to take measures, which would motivate the teachers to practise their profession in a perfect way and produce the best of the talents of our country. Measures need to be taken to promote teaching as a career among the youngsters and make them believe that teachers are the driving force behind the growth of a developing economy like India.
For more information visit: teaching jobs in india

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