Monday, April 12, 2010

Expect At least 5 Lakh Jobs in India!

Jobs in India are back and a windfall awaits those looking for lucrative employment avenues across IT, banking, telecom and healthcare industries. According to career experts, these four sectors alone are expected to generate over five lakhs jobs by the end of this financial year.

Researches by various global consulting firms conclude that the current financial year i.e. 2010-11 comes with immense number of job opportunities across sectors and hierarchical levels in companies. As per workforce solutions providers, hiring intensity and volumes will be significant in banking, telecom and IT sectors. The overall jobs for IT & ITes sector is expected to be 1,50,000; one lakh for telecom sector; healthcare to provide around 2.5 lakhs and banking sectors 40,000 jobs for the fiscal year 2011. Moreover, manufacturing sector including the auto and auto ancillary sectors are also likely to create around 2.5 lakhs jobs.
Other sectors that are likely to lead hiring in 2010 are Pharma, FMCG and education as these sectors are facing a talent crunch. Real estate, retail trade, manufacturing and consultancy services are among others industries expected to recruit professionals in huge numbers. In fact, job seekers in the public administration, mining and construction, finance, insurance and wholesale and retail trade sector could also look forward to a favorable hiring environment.

Overall hiring is likely to remain compelling with a positive business outlook for companies in most sectors. Hiring season is definitely back with a bang in India with all major sectors looking for expert professionals across various levels. It indicates at building up of a very positive economy with millions getting their dream jobs this year. The pay scales and incentives are also expected to improve as recruiters get ready to offer more money to the deserving candidates.

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