Friday, August 6, 2010

Fake resumes can ruin your life

Resume is the mirror image of your performance and the career achievements you have earned till date. It is the first and the most important source, which leads you to a better job opportunity. Before applying for a job, the candidates revamp their resume and try it giving a fresher and an advanced look every time. Though, talent, qualification and experience are the main things, which play a major role in securing a job for a better career. But, resume is the first thing, which introduces the candidate to the employer; therefore it needs to be shaped in the best presentable manner. More than anything else, your resume should be genuine. A fake resume can spoil your whole career and land you no-where.

You must be thinking, why am I focussing on the credibility part of the resumes. This is because, a large number of job applicants these days, have started choosing the wrong path and are trying to grab jobs by showcasing the fake experience and even degrees. Fake is actually the word, which has become the most common thing today. Whether it’s about a college degree or a resume for a job, people these days find it very easy to fool the employers and suit themselves in the jobs required. But, as the saying goes, lies and liars cannot last for long, same is the case with these fake job seekers, they may succeed in cracking a job for themselves, but sooner or later when their fraud comes into picture, then not only their job, but their whole carer can get spoiled.

Rather than choosing the wrong and the short route for success, which is definite to lead to failure one day, I think it’s much better for you as a job seeker to opt for the longer but the safe and truthful route towards the achievement of success. So try and win a job, through your positive abilities and qualifications, instead of formulating the deceiving ways to snatch the job, which you are not capable of.

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