Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Role of brand managers and their increasing responsibilities

Brand managers are generally defined with the roles of managing the image of the brand and projecting it well in front of the common masses. Keeping the products and launches in accordance to the interests of the target audience is something, which always needs to be kept in mind by them. The job of a brand manager is surely of the managerial types, but for actually executing his job; he needs to put himself in the shoes of his target audience. The responsibility of the brand as a whole is on the shoulders of the brand manager. He is accountable for all the activities, which directly or indirectly can affect the image of the brand.

Brand actually corresponds to the name and the fame of the organisation that the company holds in public. Though, it is very tough to mould, form and sustain the public opinion, but it depends on the creativity and the skills of the brand manager, how well he is able to present the news in the form of public interest. The presentation of the product should be in a way, that each and every individual is able to relate himself to the product or services and find a reason to avail them. Marketing and Public relations plays a major role in the commencement of these job duties of the brand manager.

A lot of new marketing techniques and procedures have been seen coming up into practise, with the advancement in the technologies. Internet becoming a great medium of dependency, social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, Orkut, Blogspot, etc. are becoming popular and grabbing the positions of the most advanced and the influential marketing methodologies. These sites in a way, carries the news in the form of infotainment and fulfils the demands and needs of both the parties. Also, the increased use of these social networking sites has lead to an increase in the burden in the job responsibilities of the brand manager. Other than the traditional forms of marketing, now the brand manager is also responsible for the communication processes held on the social networking sites. The increased job responsibilities of the brand manager have lead to more competition and filtration in terms of the most appropriate candidate for the post of brand manager.

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