Friday, March 5, 2010

Changing Boss culture !

The country is developing, economy is growing, and so are the job opportunities and responsibilities for a job seeker or an employee. Our country has always got fascinated by the western culture, we get more attracted towards a foreigner, or a foreign culture, and more often we try to adopt it. But the best part is that, we try everything, but we keep with ourselves, which is the finest. I think that is the best of being an Indian, you get to see different people living in different environments, due to it being a follower of unity in diversity.

The same is the case with the working environments, which has been changing with the advancements in time and the technologies. Today, we experience more freedom in terms of work environment, the mentality of the employer is changing, as he is giving more space to his employees to think and be in his own. And the main part, the relation between the boss and the employee is moving towards a casual mode, which is a positive sign. The friendly ties between the boss and his team members have proved to be an encouragement factor for the employees to grow and perform better. Also, this has lead to an increase in the competitive feeling among the employees itself, which at the end results in the growth of the organisation.

The bosses these days, are cool, more helping and understanding, which has reduced the stress levels of the employees, workers are now-a- days more free in coming up with their problems, discussing them with their team heads, rather than lingering it in and letting it affect the work assignments and their work output. The bosses these days are more prone towards providing counselling and problem solving sessions to the employees, to ensure a hassle- free work culture. Also, with the companies wanting to increase the longitivity of its employees, more comfort level and facilities are provided to workers, to keep them satisfied and simultaneously giving them opportunities to grow in the organisation itself.

All these factors have collectively helped in my career growth, and I hope gone are the days, when we used to bitch about our bosses and organisation, because at the end of the day, we as employees want to grow and achieve our dream goals.

1 comment:

  1. Its a good analysis. "The bosses these days, are cool"..thats a great improvement, when everyone used to say "Boss is a Boss"and "Boss is always right"!Very useful wishes and thanks for sharing
