Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hiring and Firing

Hiring and firing seems to be rhyming words, with the only difference in their initials. But, mind it; these initials have the power to make or ruin your future. These words can make the person shed tears of happiness as well as sadness. I know you would agree with me on the fact, that these days, jobs have become the priority for everyone. After completing education, they want to earn their living and prove to the world their ability and strength. A hell lot of competition is seen inside the family, relatives and colleagues which makes the person more aggressive and makes him look for a better job than his mates in the social circle.

These days, job is something, which one cannot do without. It is not only the mode to earn money, but is also the main source to show off in the society. Being associated with the top brands of the country is surely a matter of pride for the person, as well for his family. And at the same time, having no job, or with a job, which is of less value, makes a person face the situation of shame in front of his family. Also, because of the commencement of talented and capable labour in the job industry, hiring and firing are the two most common terms, which one gets to hear during his working days.

Performance counts, you need to be highly capable and efficient to grab and sustain the job with yourself. If the other candidate performs better than you, then the company says good bye to you! It is somewhere right also, because at the end the organisations want the benefit, and if the employee is not producing profitable results, then its better to lay off the employee. Rather than being this rude to the employees, the companies can also consider the option of shifting the under- performing employees to some other departments, in which they are able to give their best and contribute towards the organisation’s growth. Thus, you as an employee, have to be extra careful and put in more than required, in terms of work performance, to shed off the word firing from your professional life, and earn fame in your work arena.

Indian companies having big hiring plans for 2010- 2011

Recession is gone, that is sure, and to prove the fact, the majors of the Indian market, from almost all the industries are planning to hire a large number of employees in the year 2010. If this comes, true, it would turn out to be great news for all the students passing out this year and candidates who have been in search for jobs from long. Acquiring a job is the dream and need of every man these days, and moreover jobs in the most renowned companies of the country are surely a golden opportunity for the candidates. Don’t worry, I am not trying to make a fool out of you, whatever I am writing is according to a research report by E&Y & Kelly Services, the global consulting firms.

According to the reports, a total of around 5, 00, 000 jobs opportunities are expected to knock the doors of candidates in India from the fields of IT, Telecom. Healthcare and banking in the year 2010-2011, with the bifurcation as mentioned below:

Health Care- 2.5 Lakh Jobs
IT & ITES – 1.5 Lakh Jobs
Telecom – 1.0 Lakh Jobs
Banking Sector -0.4 Lakh Jobs

Also, according to a study done by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, the jobs in the manufacturing industry is going to add 28 million job opportunities for the aspirants in the field of IT and technology.

All these facts, surely leads to a hope in me that the future job market in India is expected to grow and to a large scale, with the consumption of all the skilled but unemployed labour of the country. Also, the growth rate of the Indian economy as a whole will also increase, leading to more developments and advancements in the country. So all the ambitious job seekers, keep yourselves and your resume updated, because very soon you are going to get a job worth your talent.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Smart work Vs. Hard Work

Job is something, which nobody is satisfied with. Either you are not able to get the job of your choice, or you are not happy with the work environment. I have seen very less people, who say and actually are fully satisfied with their work and position in office. The employees can always be heard backbiting about the load and excess of targets given by their bosses. The best way to successfully do a job is by implementing the theory of smart work in your job. It’s not always necessary to put in all the hard work to generate best results, but smart work can also lead to success in the tasks assigned. This does not mean, that you do not have to use your mind for bringing results, in fact, in case of smart work more brainstorming and intelligence is involved. Hard work is generally the repetition of the traditional methods of completing the job allocated.

There has been a fight always, in the work field, over the hard and smart work. The employees keep cribbing over the fact that they want to know the key techniques to adopt approach of smart work in their job routine. But, to be honest, there is no key route or technique which can be implied to have better and progressive results through smart work. An employee should always analyse the work before actually doing it, doing the task randomly, without applying your brains into it, makes the thing more complicated and tough. And one should remember, cribbing over things won’t bring any results, it would in fact lessen your productivity, so all the tasks should be done with full heart and concentration. Because at the end if it does not bring appreciable and satisfactory results, then it’s of no use and all your hard work will fall into dumb ears.

The approach which one can use, to accomplish more than what is being assigned to you, is to have a balanced lifestyle. Equal time should be devoted to all the important aspects of life. Maintaining a balance between personal and professional life is a tough task, but one who achieves it, according to me, is the master in both the spheres of life.

Indian Banks on a Recruiting Spree!

Banks in India are all set to begin with the hiring program as myriad of jobs are open in the sector. In order to meets the growth needs and to fill the gap that will be created by employees retiring this year, banks are hiring full on.

Banks are all set for a major recruitment drive as hiring becomes almost a ‘compulsion’ for public sector banks (PSBs). This mandate has risen due to following reasons:

-Most of the employees working in PSBs are nearing their retirement age. After they retire in next 2 years, a huge void of knowledgeable people will be created thud necessitating the need for hiring bankers.

-There has been a freeze on recruitments in PSBs in last few years resulting in them facing a talent crunch. Thus, an urgent need to fill in the posts already vacant from long has to be addressed as soon as possible.

-Banks are now entering diversified business segments and would need to train the newly hired lot. The growth and expansion of banking industry has resulted in raising the demand for banking professionals.

State Bank of India (SBI), the largest lender in India is expected to hire at least 50, 000 banking officers in the new fiscal year. Bank of Baroda, India's third largest State-run lender is also planning to recruit around 5,000 employees in the current financial year. Around 50,000 probationary officers (POs) are estimated to be hired by PSBs in FY11. Not only may this, at least 20, 000 business correspondents (BCs) for rural areas may be hired as part of a new plan by PSBs.

As Indian banking has witnessed a lot of up gradation in its operating system over time, proper training of the new hires becomes essential. Banking sector scores a good position among the upcoming recruitment industries.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Expect At least 5 Lakh Jobs in India!

Jobs in India are back and a windfall awaits those looking for lucrative employment avenues across IT, banking, telecom and healthcare industries. According to career experts, these four sectors alone are expected to generate over five lakhs jobs by the end of this financial year.

Researches by various global consulting firms conclude that the current financial year i.e. 2010-11 comes with immense number of job opportunities across sectors and hierarchical levels in companies. As per workforce solutions providers, hiring intensity and volumes will be significant in banking, telecom and IT sectors. The overall jobs for IT & ITes sector is expected to be 1,50,000; one lakh for telecom sector; healthcare to provide around 2.5 lakhs and banking sectors 40,000 jobs for the fiscal year 2011. Moreover, manufacturing sector including the auto and auto ancillary sectors are also likely to create around 2.5 lakhs jobs.
Other sectors that are likely to lead hiring in 2010 are Pharma, FMCG and education as these sectors are facing a talent crunch. Real estate, retail trade, manufacturing and consultancy services are among others industries expected to recruit professionals in huge numbers. In fact, job seekers in the public administration, mining and construction, finance, insurance and wholesale and retail trade sector could also look forward to a favorable hiring environment.

Overall hiring is likely to remain compelling with a positive business outlook for companies in most sectors. Hiring season is definitely back with a bang in India with all major sectors looking for expert professionals across various levels. It indicates at building up of a very positive economy with millions getting their dream jobs this year. The pay scales and incentives are also expected to improve as recruiters get ready to offer more money to the deserving candidates.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Environment at work place

Environment at work place is the most important factor for an employee to perform and give his output accordingly. I think the environment or the facilities you get at work place are directly proportional to the performance you give as an employee to your organisation. It is so simple what you get is what you give. Employees are often heard saying, “I love working at my office and I really don’t like taking leaves from job”, and you must be wondering how crazy these people are, they like office! Exactly this has happened with me too, but this is how we can judge the difference between an office with lively atmosphere and the other one with boring work culture.

These days, people prefer job environments which are cool and casual, and which allows them to be themselves and work according to their style. Obviously, there are certain standards and rules, which need to be followed by the employees of the organisation, but giving space to the employees helps in bringing the best output from them. As such, atmospheres work as a stimulant to creativity and innovation. More are the number of bright ideas by the employees, more are the chances for the company to grow fast and beat the competition.

Today’s generation is not used to live in shackles and has been a regular breaker of laws and rules, therefore companies, should keep in mind the comfort level of the younger generation to draw the maximum output of the salary paid to them. In fact, a major reason for job change, seen in youngsters is the work environment being so strict or intolerable at certain places. Short breaks during work, semi- formal attire at work unless there is a meeting and easy interaction with all levels of people are the factors which results in making employees feel comfortable at their workplace. Other than this, recognition for work and incremental perks are the main elements, which motivates a person to work at his best and do more than what he is expected to deliver. I hope, you people agree with me, and other than this, I would like to know your experience in terms of work environment and what changes you would like to bring at your workplace.

Economy’s Revival, a Harbinger of Job Switch

Indian job market is buzzing with jobs as economy begins to bounce back after the slowdown. With economy’s revival comes the load of immense expectations from both job seekers and employers. Professionals are waiting to move out of their present jobs and industries to switch to a better one.

According to a recent survey, more than 40 % of over 20,000 surveyed plan to quit their current jobs within next six months. Employees across the age and experience groups all over the country in various organizations, functional areas and industries are ready to switch their jobs both within and outside their own industry.

A tough road of attrition has been clearly indicated at by the survey. The disillusionment of recession times had left everyone fretful and disturbed but in the current scenario, new hopes have raised. Middle and lower levels were the most affected and so, higher attrition rate is expected from these levels. Professionals at these levels have no qualms about leaving their current jobs for better profiles and salaries in wake of growing availability of better opportunities. .

Most of the professionals from all major cities such as Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, etc. were found eager to change jobs. Around 60% of the workforce currently employed with Manufacturing, Automobiles and BPOs is planning to change to jobs outside their industries. However, those working with Construction and Information Technology (IT) companies were looking for job change within their own industry.

This pace of attrition is quite amazing but not really unexpected. Professionals in almost all the companies, big and small alike had not received any increments or benefits last year. Their expectations are high this year but if they don’t get good enough appraisals, they would naturally like to move out of the company.