Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Delhi metro - job destination for many

Earlier, we always used to hear that this or that guy is keen to join Indian railways, among the most reliable and the secured career destination for any Indian. The facilities and the various job opportunities provided by the Indian railways are commendable. But with the implementation of metro rails for the internal connectivity of the areas in almost all the metropolitan cities of the country, jobs in the metro has become the call for many youngsters. Grabbing a job in the metro rail corporation of any city has become the motto for many engineers, executives or other technical degree holders of the country. If we talk about Delhi metro alone, it has got great job opportunities for the young and dynamic citizens of our country, holding diplomas or degrees in the required fields.

I was surfing the net last night, and came across the following job opportunities, that Delhi metro, offers in the field of civil, architect, electrical, signal and telecom, to the young and energetic candidates, searching for the job openings in the Delhi metro are:

  • Managers or general managers
  • Station controllers
  • Executive trainees
  • Chief engineer
  • Fire inspector
  • Train operator
  • Stores assistant
  • Accounts assistant
  • Maintainers

DMRC or Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is a joint venture of the government of India and Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, who have also been given the responsibility of appointing candidates for the respective positions in the Delhi metro. Also, it’s a very lucrative job, as you are associated with a government body and hence draws all the facilities of being a government employee. Therefore, students must keep themselves updated about the latest job openings in the Delhi metro, which can prove to be a great career option in the respective fields for the candidate. Follow the old saying; keep your eyes and ears open, who knows what’s waiting for you next!

Hackers are not always crackers !

Whenever we hear the word hacking, we relate it to illegal and non- ethical methods, which are used to steal information for harming the integrity or existence of an organisation or the company. Hackers are generally the persons who are software professionals and have attained excellence in networking, both in terms of internal and external connections. We as lay man, always refer hackers to the one who work against laws, to make things work their way. Though, it’s right that the hacking is something, in which we extract information of an entity, without his prior permission or approval, but every time hacking is not used for wrong purposes.

Hacking has proved to be a very useful tool for protecting our country from various attacks and to know the plans and secret routes of the enemies at times of wars. It is a very useful tool to dig in the resourceful information. It is the profession, where you have to think life a thief, to protect your company’s information, from getting hacked. The people who work as hackers are called ethical hackers, or white hat people, who are used by the companies to spy on their competitors and their moves. All the big names in the industry like WIPRO, IBM, Infosys, have separate team of hackers, working under the tag of information security providers. These people are legally employed by the organisations to keep a track on the development and growth policies of their competitors and to keep their security systems strong, so that no one can peep into their internal matters.

According to me, ethical hackers are doing a great job, not only with respect to their alliance benefits, but they have also proved to be a great source to protect our country’s confidential data from being stolen. Also, hacking can be used as a tool, to keep an eye on the terrorist plans and attacks, which in turn would be highly beneficial for the security and safety measures of our country. So, we should not always call hackers as crackers, and hacking as a job needs to be encouraged in the country.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Are you a Foodie?

Good News for Foodies… Eat and Get Paid!

Are you a foodie? How About Getting Paid for Being so!

There is good news for all you food lovers. Your dream job lies ahead and what makes you a potential candidate is your love for food. You can be paid a whopping 24,000 pounds if you have a big appetite and can happily allow an intake of 400 extra calories every day. Yep, that’s the only qualification!

Similar to ‘mystery shopping’ where people are paid for shop and eat, companies are now willing to pay lazy individuals to do nothing but eat more. These positions are currently open in Proactol Ltd. to both men and women and the ideal candidate should not be on a diet. He/ She should be eating a healthy balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and be willing to increase the calorie intake by 16% a week. The candidate would be required to eat fattening foods such as Chinese, fish and chips, pizza and burgers.

Could you believe that someone would pay you hefty amounts of money just to do what you regularly do or more precisely to eat. Well, I could not when I read about it in the paper this morning but then, this is obviously not without reason. This will be done to test the fat-binding properties of a weight loss product as Proactol Ltd believes in testing their already clinically proven fat binders in the real world. The testers would help the medical experts know more about the health benefits of taking the product which it claimed absorbs up to 30% fat intake.

The calorific intake and weight of the employee will be closely monitored by medics. And, after the initial in-house monitoring period, he would work from home while supplies being delivered at doorstep. And for this, the salary shall be an incredible £23,750 a year. So, go, try your luck!

Indian Employers are Hiring!

According to a survey conducted by Ma Foi Consultants on Employment Trends, more than a million new jobs are set to enter the Indian job market in 2010-11. The announcement by naukri.com saying ‘Jobs are Back’ holds full credibility and conviction in this context. This survey was carried out among a thousand companies across 11 industries to know about their recruitment plans till the end of year.

This sector is set to create maximum number of jobs that amounts to a whopping 3
lakhs. In spite of the global recession, Indian pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
kept growing and increasing manpower. Furthermore, efforts are being made to
add new hospital beds and to expand the areas of super-specialty healthcare, insurance
facilities and medical tourism.

Other upcoming sectors with highest number of employment opportunities are Hospitality & Travel and Real Estate & Construction with around a lakh and half jobs. IT and ITES sector comes next with at least a lakh jobs while becoming fourth largest sector in job creation.

The sector of Banking and Financial Services (BFSI) is expected to witness vacancies for nearly 50, 000 positions due to the retirement of around 35% staff by year end.

Education and Training:
There has always been a lack of schools and teachers in India as it houses world’s largest
student population. With an up-swing in education sector, jobs for more than 80, 000
teachers and trainers will be generated.

Other sectors providing substantial jobs include:
-Energy generation & supply and Trade industries with 15, 000 jobs;
-Transport, Storage & Communication with around 30, 000 jobs and
-Manufacturing sector with 68000 jobs.

It is also observed that tier-II cities showed better signs of revival than the bigger ones. Employers are definitely headhunting for the right talent again, try your luck too!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gone are the days of buttering!

Job is the ultimate aim of every individual, whether it’s a student pursuing a course in management or it’s a singer, all of us, at the end wants to encash their talent and earn our living out of it. We all, from the very starting of our life, have in mind, what is aim of our life, what we want, where do we want to reach and accordingly we pave or road to success. Though, the definition of aim and goal keeps on changing as we grow in our career life. To keep growing and achieving different levels of success, you need to keep on polishing your skills and talent.

Today, appraisals and promotions are no more dependent on the traditional formula of buttering. Talent is the keyword; you not only need to excel in your area of interest but should possess knowledge about other areas of concern. Multiple tasking is what an organisation demands these days. Also, doing the same thing for the whole life brings the element of boredom in your life, so to make your life interesting and happening, you need to keep on exploring more opportunities in the same field.

With the advancements, in almost every industry, we as employees get more opportunities to prove our capabilities by trying hands on different new projects. This is possible with the growing competition between organisations, and somewhere in this race, we are at benefit, because our talent gets recognised and these days, more and more hiring is done not only on the basis of certificates but, on the basis of practical knowledge. So, we can say jobs security is no more dependent on your buttering abilities, you have to excel in your field of interest to retain your job and to gain confidence of your organisation, though that talent has to be proved by us every day, to keep growing and maintain our position in the company.

International Women’s Week: Time to Improve Condition of Women

International Women’s Day (IWD) has become an important day to proclaim women's rights and international peace. It brings attention to the social, economic, political, legal and cultural issues faced by women around the world. Further, it is a time to celebrate the great strides made in advancing the status of women and to determine the future action to address the ongoing challenges faced by women.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon marked International Women's Day by saying that until the time women and girls are liberated from poverty and injustice; peace, security and development of nations stand in jeopardy. Therefore, it is an opportunity to reflect on the outstanding needs of women left unaddressed.

Working women have progressed a great deal but continue to face a lot of exploitation be it on personal or professional fronts. They are expected to make compromises if they want to succeed and achieve their ambitions. Women in rural areas, especially, are restricted to their household chores and are never given an opportunity to see the outside world. Instead, they are burdened with responsibilities and challenges related to poverty, domestic violence, bankruptcy, rearing children and ailing seniors. Further, they are mostly unemployed and underpaid being deprived of the resources and support of larger cities.

Homecare, literacy, pension ability, food security, etc. are some of the basic facilities women can avail by being literate and by working in an uplifting environment. Providing individualism and independence by generating more jobs for women will only help in overall development of nations. Let’s promise to help women uphold their dignity and assert their rights to make world a greater place to live in.

On this Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the spirit of womanhood. Let’s make the fairer sex feel privileged, not deprived; a competent sex not the weaker one.

Jobless?? Won’t be Anymore

As we all know, ‘life is a learning process’ and so, you must always take every success and every failure as an event of learning. Keep yourself focused and that is possible only if your mind has an optimistic setup because it is only then that you can decide right. Keep your eyes and ears open and be alert to the upcoming options.

Being jobless is a widespread phenomenon in today’s world of economic slowdown. It has become quite common to hear about layoffs and unemployment in the present scenario. But, various reports and surveys have confirmed that a huge job market is set to open and absorb hundreds of professionals soon. Jobs in India across various industries will be available in large numbers as a gradual exit of recession can be seen. This spurt in jobs is because of the immediate shortage of manpower being felt after the economy has bounced back to its original state.

For instance, jobs in banking sector in both private and public banks as well as financial institutions is expected to witness an upsurge due to retirement of 35% staff next year and the growth in demand for banking services.

Also, job search today, has become easier with online job portals like Naukri.com improving their services everyday. It has introduced at least 16 new industries in its portfolio to bring job seekers and employers closer. This move will help you get jobs at a quicker pace as they have become more industry specific. Jobs in IT, aviation, mining, publishing, glass and steel industry, etc. have been coming up.

All you have to do is to be prepared. Unravel options and find the path that will lead you to your choice of career. Think positive and believe in yourself. Renew your resume and gear up for the interviews.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Changing Jobs Frequently? Wait and Read on

The materialistic and status conscious world of today has changed the whole scenario related to job stability and longevity. There were times when people would spend their entire career in association with just one company and leaving jobs in search of a better one was quite unheard of. The job market of present times has gone for a makeover since then with constant expansion of employment opportunities.

The flourishing of corporate companies in India and abroad has generated various career opportunities that offer wider options for the job seekers leading to frequent job changes. The attractions leading to a job change majorly are lucrative salaries, growth prospects and higher designation within the same industry. But, it is very important to remember that change of employers should be done very prudently or else you would be quickly tagged as a ‘job hopper’ by the industry.

We all are aware of the fact that companies avoid recruiting candidates who have changed various numbers of jobs in a short span of time. Besides their reservations, it may also leave a negative impression on your potential employers as:
-They may think that probably it was you who is inefficient and was thrown out by the previous employer.
- Every organization, as a rule of thumb, hires professionals with a long-term approach. They only need stable employees who can contribute to the growth of their company for a long time.
- Another reason is that they obviously don’t want to waste their time, resources, money and productivity on training and hiring you.

Make sure that you leave your present job only for very valid and weighty reasons. You will always keep finding a little better options but you have to decide which ones is worth it and can keep you in the long run.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Encourage Women Empowerment !

Women’s are said to be the power bombs! They are not only hot and sexy in their physical appearance but also have a very strong and intelligent mindset. They know it very well, when and how things are to be said and executed. Today, women have excelled in almost all the arenas, whether its work or home, she is the mastermind everywhere. They, have so amazingly handled all the managerial roles in the country, in fact the president of our country is also a woman.

Women has played a significant role in the development and growth of the country, when we talk about top management in an organisation, it is mostly conquered by the women employees of the company. They have left no stone unturned in matching heights with men, in fact, woman today has left men far behind in terms of success and intellectuality. Women like Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi, Kalpana Chawla, Ekta kapoor, Dr. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Swati Piramal, Lalita D Gupte, are few of the examples, which have set benchmarks in their respective fields.

These are the mentions, whose efforts we get to see in terms of company growth and profits, but there are a large number of women work forces working in the rural areas of the country, who work day and night to earn their living. They contribute and manage the responsibility of their entire house, in terms of both finances and house management, with their unusual skills and talent. The contributions made by the Women in the rural areas are left unrecognised, and if seen they play a major role in keeping the tradition culture values alive in the country. The handicraft made by these women adds a lot to the country’s monetary balances.

These all credits to the importance of women empowerment in the country and if the same is motivated and encouraged, the results would be great and much lucrative.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Learn to live life your way !

Fun or adventure is the necessity of life, you or me anybody cannot lead our lives just on the basis of job or studies. The factor of entertainment and joy is very important to breathe a balanced life. I have few friends who just run away from the name of outing or parties, they are so much like bookworms and jobaholic people, I mean, how can one be like this. Doing work whole day, stressing yourself, is so impossible to practise, you need a break at least once a weak, and you need to go out and have fun with your friends and family.

Forget about all such bores, actually I was about to tell you an exciting news, I have recently heard about a profession called adventure sports trainer, they are the people who train you how to perform adventure sports. It means, you need not loose your heart anymore of not being able to practise a sport, as you do not know how to do it, because, now you have professional trainers who will train you about the sport, before you actually perform it.

And moreover, if you are an expert in performing these sports, you can encash your talent by guiding others and helping them to perform an adventure game. Just imagine, it must be so exciting to make people learn different adventurous sports, which they want to perform, but because of scarcity of knowledge and their nervousness towards the game, they are unable to even try it. Also, with the growth in tourism industry, the demand of adventure sports trainees has increased, to add fun and joy their trips and to make them try out different things, which they are afraid of. Such sports, even helps in building the overall confidence of the people and bring optimism in their approach towards life. Different schools, in which one can apply for jobs in adventure sports like rock climbing, scuba diving, trekking, paragliding, water skiing, kayaking, rock climbing, mountaineering, etc are Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering, Kashmir, Atal Bihari Vajpaee Institute of Mountaineering and Allied Sports, Manali, Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarakhand, etc.

Also, keeping in mind the rising need of fitness and adventure, many corporate have also started organising such training programmes for their employees, to add an element of freshness in their lives. Plans of senior secondary and senior secondary schools implementing such programmes in their curriculum are also coming up, which would be a great excitement for students and would surely add on the reasons for their increase in attendance.

Changing Boss culture !

The country is developing, economy is growing, and so are the job opportunities and responsibilities for a job seeker or an employee. Our country has always got fascinated by the western culture, we get more attracted towards a foreigner, or a foreign culture, and more often we try to adopt it. But the best part is that, we try everything, but we keep with ourselves, which is the finest. I think that is the best of being an Indian, you get to see different people living in different environments, due to it being a follower of unity in diversity.

The same is the case with the working environments, which has been changing with the advancements in time and the technologies. Today, we experience more freedom in terms of work environment, the mentality of the employer is changing, as he is giving more space to his employees to think and be in his own. And the main part, the relation between the boss and the employee is moving towards a casual mode, which is a positive sign. The friendly ties between the boss and his team members have proved to be an encouragement factor for the employees to grow and perform better. Also, this has lead to an increase in the competitive feeling among the employees itself, which at the end results in the growth of the organisation.

The bosses these days, are cool, more helping and understanding, which has reduced the stress levels of the employees, workers are now-a- days more free in coming up with their problems, discussing them with their team heads, rather than lingering it in and letting it affect the work assignments and their work output. The bosses these days are more prone towards providing counselling and problem solving sessions to the employees, to ensure a hassle- free work culture. Also, with the companies wanting to increase the longitivity of its employees, more comfort level and facilities are provided to workers, to keep them satisfied and simultaneously giving them opportunities to grow in the organisation itself.

All these factors have collectively helped in my career growth, and I hope gone are the days, when we used to bitch about our bosses and organisation, because at the end of the day, we as employees want to grow and achieve our dream goals.