Thursday, July 29, 2010

Keep stress away from your workplace !

Job is the source, which feeds you and your family. It is reason because of which financial problems stay off from your family. Money is the main reason for tension in families these days, and if you have a fixed and a nice job, then you surely will have a better and a satisfied lifestyle. But, still tensions are a part of life, which never allows a human being to live happily and have a healthy life. There are many situations, which engrosses a human being with a number of problems and create hurdles in his normal flow of life. These tensions and problems have somehow become the necessity of life and indirectly responsible for bringing good as well bad changes in our life. Therefore, we should not let it grow to a height that a personal problem starts interrupting in the movement of our professional life and visa- versa.

Tensions do bug us, but if we let them become a termite in our lives, then it would not only ruin our personal lives, but our professional lives, will also loose its existence. And I hope nobody would want to loose their source of livelihood. Therefore, following are few steps, which would help you to keep away tensions from your workplace:

1- Do not mix personal and professional life
2- Be positive always and look at things in an optimistic manner
3- Do not overburden yourself with work; distribute the work among your colleagues
4- Take suggestions and discuss work related problems with your colleagues
5- Try not to take work home, and do a proper division of your time and devote considerable time to your family and job

These are many other points, which differ according to the standards and work responsibilities of officials in different sectors, but the main thing which has to be constant is to be happy and cheerful always so that tensions even get scared to knock your doors!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

BOI Inviting Applications for Clerk Positions

The employment rate in public sector is growing at a rapid pace and marked improvements are made across the industry. It is interesting to note that even the youth is showing keen interest in taking jobs in government sectors especially post revision of Pay Commission. Banking is one of the largest public sectors of the country that has been growing swiftly to cater to the financial needs of the citizens.

The banking and finance industry is all set to face a manpower crunch with more than 30% staff retiring by end of this year. So, Bank of India (BOI) is inviting online applications for nearly 2,500 vacancies, all clerk positions across India. The Head Office of this leading Public Sector Bank is in Mumbai but the positions are available in all branches of the bank in Clerical Cadre. The aspirants can apply by filling applications online, all that they need to do is to follow simple instructions and pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 250. The last date for submission of applications is 5th August 2010 and the tentative date for written examination is 26th September 2010.

The basic salary offered by Bank of India for clerical jobs is between Rs. 7,200 to Rs. 19,300. Other benefits in addition include HRA (Home Rent Allowance), CCA, DA (Dearness Allowance), Allowance, Conveyance, Gratuity, Pension, LFC, Medical Aid, etc. along with other facilities as per Bank’s Rules. Only those between 18 to 28 years of age can apply for the positions available with BOI. Read the documents carefully before applying as the fee paid and application sent is treated as final without any scope for making changes later.

Banking jobs in a public organization are the most coveted ones with hundreds thousands of candidates applying for them every time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Textiles Export Sector May Generate 2.5 Million Jobs

The upcoming India-European Union pact for free trade of textiles and garments is expected to generate millions of jobs in India. If India enters into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with EU, it would be able to fetch 3 billion dollars worth of apparels export order. Though, the pact is under discussion from quite long but if signed, it is supposed to create a whopping 2.5 million career opportunities in the textiles and garments export sectors.

Sources from Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) showed that India exported garments worth 5.7 billion dollars to European Union last calendar year. It accounted for 55% of the country's total apparel shipments in 2009 and would bolster up considerably if FTA is concluded on a positive note. It is hoped that final results for this agreement would come by the end of current fiscal.

Indian market offers lead over China in terms of both labor and costs of production. The dearth of skilled manpower in textiles sector and high production costs in Chinese market has shifted interests of European Union to India. The human resource in our country is available in plenty and that too, at 20% lesser costs making it the next preference. Moreover, production costs for business in India is sure to cut down helping in profit boosting both directly and indirectly.

Jobs Portal in India are reckoned to grow in numbers post global economic slowdown. With revival of sectors come new business opportunities encouraging employment of trained and qualified manpower. Since people are in the most mobile phase right now owing to the lay offs and salary cuts during recession, it is the best time to hire the best talent around. The existing and upcoming professionals in apparel export industry sure have a reason to smile now.

Working in the monsoon!!

Finally the time has come, for which we all have been waiting for. Whether, its you or me, I hope all of us have been eagerly waiting for monsoons. It feels so good, when early morning we get to see water drops, welcoming us, falling on our face and motivating us to go to our jobs with smiling faces. The morning is obviously so nice and even the rest of the day goes amazing, with cool and chilled atmosphere outside. Looking outside from the window of our office, we tend to think, about going out in the rain and enjoying with the friends and the family members. But, at the end we know our responsibilities and try to fresh our moods, by having a small walk outside with our colleagues. The fresh air adds to the inspiration for work and makes us add value to our work and overall job done by us.

These small patches of rain, when falls on a hot city like Delhi acts as a stress buster for the workers and makes them relived from the office and other tensions. I know in a such a beautiful weather, no one wants to come to office and work, but we always have an option of working at our best for the whole day and then enjoying the evening with our family and friends. Job is an integral part of our life; it is the source through which we earn our living. It not only makes us earn for our family, but also teaches us various lessons of life. And adding to these lessons is the flavour of rain, which comes very often but adds the tint of happiness and freshness in our lives.

So I would only say, mix the feeling of enjoyment with the seriousness of work and you would be able to produce the best of your job results.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food Processing Jobs in India Coming Soon

The government of India has identified the food processing industry as one of the most potential areas in terms of growth and employment. Subodh Kant Sahai, the ‘Food Processing Industries’ Minister believes that investments in the sector can create large number of job opportunities for professionals.

If huge investments are made in the food processing sector, it is expected to bring:
(a) Long term economic stability to farmers,
(b) Increase the level of processing,
(c) Help in reducing wastage and
(d) Generate plethora of career opportunities

Almost one-fifth of the country’s industrial labor force is already employed in the industry and there is a scope to double and even treble the figure.

The minister informed that the current processing level of agricultural and allied commodities in India is even less than 10% whereas it is as high as 70-80% in developed countries. This is what underlines the strong potential of the sector and justifies the need for larger investments. Technological up-gradation is of chief importance to achieve the above objectives of reduced wastage and increased processing levels. The improper cold chain management is another important issue to address in order to improve contract farming in India.

While offering the solutions to solve the food processing related issues, Sahai asked for increased focus on food products retailing. It makes marketing an indispensable tool as when one knows how to market food products, both investment and production become easier. With the growing needs of the ever increasing population, India definitely houses a humungous market for production and consumption of food products. The higher disposable incomes and perpetually evolving food habits of the massive middle class population guarantees a thriving market.

Even as 200 entrepreneurs have been assisted during the meet, another 200 are to be assisted by September 2010.

Exploring Paths for Indian Youth - To Participate in Nation Building

India is developing tremendously especially from past five years not only economically but socially as well. Though there are some people who want to remain backward and do not want India to progress but the youth is much more aware than ever before. It is actively working towards building a better nation.

Recently, a conference ‘Exploring Spaces for Young Indians in Government’ was held in Delhi at India International Center on 3rd July. The objective of this meet was to explore different paths for young professionals in government and to discuss a structured way of attracting them to public service through Management and Leadership Fellowship Program. Indian youth is now taking interest in entering the government system and do what they can for their country by not opting for careers in private sectors.

The conference was organized by Global Young Indian Professionals and Students (GYIPS), a growing global network created to help young Indians grow professionally as well as contribute to the social, political and economic development of India. Formed almost a year ago in August 2009, it has over 750 members worldwide across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Washington DC, London, New York and Boston. The group received an overwhelming response for 75 seats with more than 250 applications coming in.

According to the current trends, it has been observed that youth is ready to explore careers in public or government sectors altering the regular path of choosing a private job. It indicates at the steady shift in youth participation in Indian government activities expected in the years to come. This is to help greatly in nation building as the youth decides to take the reins of the country’s governing fabric into their hands. Earlier, youngsters disillusioned by corruption, inefficiency and nepotism in government wished to stay away from public sectors but are now coming forward.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Entrepreneurial Bug Biting Corporate Executives

India is known worldwide for its talented manpower and this is why all the countries import human resources from India. Some of the biggest organizations of the world have Indian employees at managerial aab sabkond directorial levels. Realizing their own potential, corporate executives in India are now beginning to set up their own businesses apparently bitten by the entrepreneurial bug.

Entrepreneurship is the most widespread phenomenon in our country as young professionals believe in utilizing their talent in their own start ups rather than working under others. One needs to have an unusual business idea and should be willing to take risks to start an enterprise from the scratch. For some, the drive starts early i.e. from college years and for others, it takes few years of corporate experience to take the plunge. It is interesting to note that more than 90% of entrepreneurs have worked in an organization before making the move out of which nearly 70% have an experience between 0 to 5 years.

According to the ET-Synovate Entrepreneurship Survey, all those who switch from corporate careers to entrepreneurship already have a business idea in their minds. Almost 85% respondents said that they made the shift when they could no longer hold back their urge to implement the idea and be their own boss. Most of them were pushed to quit either as they had to work on ideas they did not agree with or because it could lose effectiveness if delayed. The major problems faced by the upcoming entrepreneurs were mostly related to funding, convincing business partners and lack of family support. The trends show that even as almost 60% of them got support in form of mentorship or incubation, others preferred being their own mentors. The rapidly spreading bug of entrepreneurship is surely etching various success stories.