Thursday, February 21, 2013

Are Bosses Naturally Suspicious?

Bosses are believed to be naturally suspicious when it comes to asking for a leave from office. You may be an honest employee with a genuine excuse to take leave, but what about cheeky employees who wish to bunk office and believe their boss will be unaware about it?

If you think bunking your workplace is an easy task…think again! Have you ever wondered how did your boss come to know about the fact that you were out for a dinner with your friends or enjoyed a movie last weekend? The credit goes to the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter that act as a scanner tool in the hands of your employer

The rising trend of connecting with people through social network sites includes several pros and cons. The biggest advantage is that you can stay connected with thousands of friends and acquaintances, and remain updated about one’s life through various posts on Facebook and Twitter. On the other hand, it becomes difficult to hide your personal information and updates from your boss who may scan your Facebook account every now and then.  Even if you are looking for a new job, chances are that your potential employer is watching you on Facebook.

According to a recent report by a reputed data analyst, around 60% of employers are expected to start spying on the employees through social media pages by 2015.   
Whether you like it or not, social media sites like Facebook are turning to be scanners for your real life activities. Your status updates, photographs, wall postings and conversation with friends are sufficient to know what’s up in your life. So beware, your employer may be watching you on Facebook!!

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