Thursday, October 25, 2012

Journey from a Graduate to a Probationary Officer

Bank Jobs
My father is a bank employee, and I had an impression that he is the owner of all the money kept in the bank lockers. Seriously, this was such a stupid belief of mine! My father always wanted that some one from family should have a bank job because the government bank jobs are considered a good career option for females, particularly. I have always seen him leaving at nine and coming back home at six, and this was the reason why I liked to make a career in banking industry. One more benefit from my point of view is that the timings are very appropriate, and they enable you to spend the quality time with your family and friends as well.

After completing my education, I wished to compete for the Baking jobs and filled up every form that was available in the market, for the position of probationary officer. I also pursued coaching classes to ensure that I learn the techniques, which are helpful in solving the questions in the least possible time. My favorite section was the reasoning section, which includes questions related to the general IQ, both verbal and non-verbal. Mathematics is one subject that has been haunting me since my childhood and the irony is that banking is all about math and reasoning. However, I had to overcome my fears and I made up my mind to solve the questions with complete dedication and attentiveness.

Finally, I began to solve questions in the least time, and had a good speed while solving the previous papers. I tried my luck and I cracked three examinations at the same time. Now, I am working as a probationary officer in the same bank in which my father is working, which is the Punjab National Bank! Moreover, all I can say that hard work is always rewarding just have patience and faith in yourself!

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