Thursday, October 18, 2012

10 Commandments for Optimizing the Job Search on Social Media

Job Search
We all are well aware of the importance of social networking in the professional as well as our personal lives. These social networking sites have indeed proven to be one of the best modes of making one visible on the internet platform.

According to the industry experts, Indians have been using social and professional networks to find work and that 49% of companies in the country uses these platforms to recruit talent free. Such sites, especially LinkedIn (32%) , Facebook (15%) and Twitter (10%) have been the most popular ones. In this context, the market experts and the training portals share the 10 commandments for optimizing the job search on social media, which can ensure a job, particularly fresher jobs.

1.       Do not abandon the traditional media for applying jobs, such as applying directly to the employers or through the online job sites, social media and professional networks are a complement to perform job search.

2.       If you are currently in a job then do not forget to mention the name of the company where you are currently working.

3.       Create a personal brand based on the content and interaction with the other professionals and form a community around you.

4.       Make an appropriate selection of networks that can best help you find work.

5.       Use social media as a source of informal learning of the matters related to your profession.

6.       Highlight your differential values. Display your skills and accomplishments, include that what makes you different and do not forget to highlight it.

7.       Be consistent, avoids gaps in your work, a slip can ruin the chance of a lifetime.

8.       Follow those who offer jobs that interest you and check the deals, which are being offered.

9.       Avoid sharing your opinions on politics, religion and other controversial issues.

10.   Avoid negative practices such as lying, hanging inappropriate content, badmouthing about previous partners or companies, or neglecting your reputation on line.

The above-mentioned commandants will not ensure you a job, but will definitely ease the process of job search.

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