Thursday, May 27, 2010

India among Best Talents in the World

Shortage of talent is not much a problem in India as in other countries of the world. According to the annual talent shortage survey conducted by HR Solutions firm Manpower globally, nearly one-third employers around the world find it difficult to fill in key positions in their organizations. Though the problem is severe in Asia Pacific region, India fares quite well on the talent availability front.

The survey found out that barely 16% employers in India out of 1,700 respondents had difficulty in accessing candidates with appropriate. After all, India has not become an off-shoring and outsourcing hub just like that. It is believed that since the employers have become more specific about the combination of skill sets they are looking for, it may be a problem to hunt for the fully equipped candidates.

The employers today not only seek technical capabilities, but also additional qualities that will help drive their organization forward. This may be upsetting the job seekers who will need to be more skilled and responsible in order to land up with a favorable job as well as for the employers who find it laborious to get the combination.

The survey covers 35,000 employers across 36 countries and also lists countries facing an acute talent shortage. The countries like that of India, US, UK and Norway are among those where shortage of skilled labor seems less problematic. 14% employers in the US, 9% in the UK and 11% in the Norway reported a brush with talent shortage. This figure grew as high as 40% for countries such as Australia, Mexico, Peru, Taiwan and the Hong Kong in China. The overwhelming shortage of talented manpower was reported in Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Singapore and Poland where 50% or more employers said they could not find the right talent for their businesses.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Career in Healthcare in India

Healthcare means preventive, analytical and curative preservation and is divided into

(a) General Healthcare and
(b) Healthcare IT or (HIT).

Healthcare Management is one of the most exciting career fields for those interested in it and offers plenty of job opportunities in India.

Healthcare IT or (HIT) involves the use of computer and digital technology in medical facilities to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical healthcare for patients and providers. One needs a minimum of bachelor’s degree either in healthcare or IT while advanced degrees like that of MBA, MSN or MS in IT or MIS-related field are always helpful.

Jobs in healthcare industry in India can be found in Ambulatory care facilities, Consulting firms, Healthcare associations, Home health agencies, Hospitals and hospital systems, Integrated delivery systems, Long-term care facilities, Managed care organizations (such as HMOs and PPOs), Medical group practices, Mental health organizations, Public health departments and University or research institutions.

Indian healthcare market is expected to reach over US$ 70 billion by next year. It has been experiencing phenomenal growth of 12% per annum from last few years according to Investment Commission of India. Medical tourism in India is also growing exponentially as it offers quality healthcare at affordable costs. Private hospitals and medical practitioners play an important role in delivering healthcare services.

One may enter into any of the specialized areas like Finance, Government relations, Human resources (HR), Information systems (IT), Marketing and public affairs, Materials management (purchasing of equipment and supplies), Medical staff relations, Nursing administration, Patient care services or Planning and development. The skills required to begin with a career in healthcare sector are academic training, experience, communication skills, adaptability, dependability, judgment, character and general management skills. Medical professionals are paid well from the beginning level as they shoulder the huge responsibility of taking care of the health of the public.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

India, an Outsourcing Hub Forever!

India has been an outsourcing hub for all gargantuan brands all over the world who come to India for cheaper yet highly skilled workforce. The trend has taken a higher toll ever since recession struck the global economy with numerous companies nearly shutting down their headquarters and outsourcing jobs in India.

The latest in the league is outsourcing mortgage underwriting and other administration jobs in India. After Kent Reliance, Ipswich Building Society is contemplating transfer of its back office operations to reduce radically administration costs. Many mutuals have started sharing back office tasks and outsourcing their administration to India in a bid to lower overheads.

Building societies are eager to drive down the costs as the sector struggles under the pressure of greater regulation and a shortage of liquidity. Newcastle Building Society runs IT systems used by other mutuals while Skipton Building Society owns a company that carries out auditing and administration jobs for its rivals. The consideration to move administration jobs to India clearly emphasizes and reinforces the possession of talented pool of professionals by the country.

This news brings with it a positive sentiment in the Indian job market, promising generation of thousands of administration jobs. So, admin professionals looking for better employment opportunities with a multi national have a new door open to them. Job market in India is now flooding with both government and private jobs in national and multi national companies. The attrition rates across the country are also expected to grow higher with various companies coming up with mega deals to provide benefits to the employees.

India is the favorite outsourcing and off-shoring hub that helps in not only generating jobs but overall development of the nation. But presently, the great news is that job market is reviving and preparing to offer better packages.

Cracking an Interview in Tough Job Market

The job market today has become extremely tough to penetrate through as there are scanty work opportunities available. Trying to find a job in the present world is like throwing an arrow in the darkness. The job market in India has been picking up from last few months but the difficulty levels have also risen.

The chances of landing up with well paying jobs, especially for those new to an industry have become very few. Jobs for both fresh graduates or fist timers and those laid off due to recession have to be created. And since India is back on fast paced development track, it is offering hundreds of jobs across all the industries.

For both new and old job seekers, cracking the interview remains a big hurdle. Recruiters see tests and interviews as an ultimate way of hiring a suitable candidate. Screening and aptitude tests are significant short listing tools that help assess the mental capabilities of an individual. This makes it important for the candidate to work on their resumes and be well prepared for the tests.

Next comes preparing for the interview as it is the first point of contact between the prospective employee with the employer. A candidate should know well about the organization and the role he is expected to function through. The conduct and consistency also hold a lot of importance in an interview as employers establish the confidence levels through the body language of the candidate. One should be relaxed and carry the right attitude when appearing for an interview.

It is also essential to know about the current affairs across the world as it keeps you updated and you appear to be a socially aware and well informed person. Just think of the interview as a meeting with a potential employer who wants to know you before recruiting you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Approaching Your First Job

It is that time of the year when students are graduating from their colleges and ready to kick start their corporate career. Some have landed with a job already, some are busy choosing from among the options available and some are still pursuing the hunt.

The inexperienced graduates or freshers should always begin with a company that gives them maximum exposure. The job should be interesting and should give humungous scope to explore your abilities and capabilities. The focus for first timers and new beginners has to be learning and knowing the work well over money. If possible, get attached to a veteran and see how he wrestles with the situations and customers. Being a youngster, you should respond to the sheer fun and thrill of responsibilities you are endowed with as this makes you conducive.

The new recruits must be ready to unleash your potential on the organization as there is a lot of entrepreneurial scope even in the early years of working. The first job has to be about much more than just the first salary as it helps shape your attitude and spirit for the rest of your professional life. In words of S. Giridhar, Head of Programs and Advocacy at Azim Premji Foundation, salaries are funny animals and it is impossible to plot or predict the salary graph. The first job is important as it has the life-defining potential to somehow calibrate an individual’s appetite for initiative and risk taking, hard work, humility and respect for colleagues.

A good first job is like an umbilical relationship that can never be replaced. It is crucial for you to give yourself a full chance in the first job by being positive in thought and deed. Don’t worry about the organization being small or big, just give the best of everything you can.

How to give life to your work station

Don’t you get bored sitting at the same place whole day, doing the same work, in the same environment, dealing with the same kind of people? It is always said, the only thing which remains constant in our lives is change. This change is also important to keep our lives moving and throw away the factor of monotonous from our lives. So, you should keep changing or adding on new things in or around the place you live in. This can be done either by changing your wardrobe, or changing the whole lifestyle and adding more colours to your life. Another important place, where one tends to spend most of the time duration of his day, is the office.

Work station is the most important and the sacred place in the life of an employee, a place, where we spend maximum time of our day, adding to the productivity of the organisation we are working for. To make sure that the place motivates you to work and give the maximum of your output, it is very necessary that the place and the work environment matches your likes and preferences. Obviously, whole of the office cannot be designed or structured according to the preferences of particular employees or staff. But, a place inside the office, which defines the personality of the employee and helps him in producing the best of your results, is your work station. It is the place, which you can decorate according to your convenience and mould the things according to your interest, keeping in mind the factors, which it should not disturb, the other employees of the office.

The decoration or the small- small things decorated on your work desk can actually make you feel better, when you are sad and de-motivated. Photos of family, friends, works as an inspiration sometimes, and reminds us our goal and the aims to be achieved in our lives. Also, it’s a very easy and interesting way to add life to the boring and steady office life.