Thursday, July 12, 2012

10 Things You Must Not Avoid During a Job Interview

Human Resources departments and interviewers know how to study the candidates’ brains and study their body language during the job interviews. An inappropriate answer or deed can cost you the job you seek.
Here is a list of few things that you should never do in a job interview.
  1. Be pessimistic. Leave aside the extremely critical or defeatist attitudes, think and express yourself positively
  1. Show concern. If you get nervous very easily, you must find and implement the techniques that work best to control your stress level.
  1. Criticize former teammates or companies. If you speak ill of places and people you've shared your work life, it can be a sign that you do not know teamwork.
  1. Take the word. Wait for the interviewer end of the question or arguments. Interrupting the interviewer will leave a bad impression and a signal that you are not listening, and sound very unprofessional.
  1. Talk nonsense. You must be direct, clear and concise, avoiding going quite the detail in the topics to be addressed, even if you are an expert.
  1. Lying. Do not ever lie with the employer as the background checks can very clearly reveal your professional past.
  1. Be elusive. Must have ready answers to possible questions type and very attentive to the development of the interview. Be clear about your approach.
  1. Using vulgar words. Watch your language, as it also denotes your education and professionalism.
  1. Adopt a poor posture. Sit too laid back, stretch your legs or stretch your arms, place your hands behind your head, etc., can give a bad image. Rehearse at home and make sure to use appropriate formal positions with which you feel comfortable and also look confident.
  1. Chewing gum. If your throat tends to dry, a good option is to drink water right before the interview.

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