Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Changing Work Culture!

Strictness, silence, diplomacy are no more the words practised in the offices of India. A new whole dictionary in terms of office conduct has been introduced lately and many offices and organisations can be seen following the same. Be in any industry HR jobs, Oil and Gas jobs, bank jobs, Govt jobs or IT jobs, the work culture or the scenario for work has changed to a great extent in the recent years. Communicative, lively, motivating, and joyful is the work environment which can be witnessed in the offices today. Taking mid work breaks, logging into chats or Gmail accounts has become a common practise, which can be seen followed in most of work places today.
This not only freshens up our mind but also gives the freedom to work as per our own rules and conditions. This also set mind free, giving space for the flow of more creative ideas adding productivity to the work. Having the fear of breaking the rules or under the barricades of someoLinkne watching over us restricts the mind to a set of work routine. But, with the liberty to work as per your convenience allows an employee to give his best at work. Also, the companies now are more concerned with the performance of their employees rather than keeping a check on their working styles. Every person has a different way of doing the same task and this is well understood in today’s working culture. Therefore, companies in every job like HR jobs or Bank jobs, give the permission to its staff to work differently and perform better.
This again enhances their working skills and motivates their spirit to perform better which is very important if you expect a high- end performance from your employees. This positive and a very encouraging change is sure to help the companies yield great profits in future.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Career in Telecommunication Industry as Technicians and Engineers

After passing their degree course, it is the problem of every student to find a suitable job for him and shape up the career. The telecom industry is booming and the engineers with degrees in Telecommunication are going to be the benefited the most. The competition in the telecom market is increasing and thousands of job vacancies are expected to come up in the near future that can offer the best Jobs opportunities.Link
The telecom engineers are high on demand. Telecommunication is a vast field and requires some type of expertise, and this is the reason why professionals in the telecom industry are paid handsomely. Most of the jobs are available in the research and development domain, which include IT roles that contribute in the development, testing and marketing of different types of telecom products and services. Such Telecom jobs are very important for the industry as without these new developments, no telecom could progress and there would be no development further.
Development processes also include a study of innovative profile or specific solution of a real case, whether performed in the context of an internship at a company or in-depth monograph innovative techniques.
A telecommunications technician is required to assist in the design and deployment of telecommunications systems and also in the maintenance and administration. He or she should be capable enough to participate in project development tasks in the areas of integrated and multidisciplinary telecommunications, of varying design and scale complexity.
To work as a telecommunication professional in Telecom jobs, you should have a background in the key areas of telecommunications, as well as the development of telemetric applications. You must have a basic knowledge of physics and mathematics. You must be aware of the basic theoretical aspects of telecommunication and also have experience in the handling of updated technologies.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Feedback Is Important At Every Level

Feedback is something, which helps us to improvise our work and helps us in yielding better outputs. Whether you are the executive, senior or the manager level, you always need a feedback. Working as a part of oil and gas jobs, teaching industry or medicine, there is a great need to know the response or the results of the work you have done. This leads to the evaluation of the work you have done and the impact it has made towards your end customer. When employed at junior level, we keep getting feedback from our seniors about our performance and how we can give better results. But, getting feedback gets tough when you are at the senior level or in other words you are the boss!
Following are few of the points which would help you fetch the feedback even if you are the boss employed in oil and gas jobs or in the IT sector.
· Break the silence: You should build a comfortable and a friendly environment in your team so that your employees can freely put their point. This would helps you in knowing their opinion and crate an open space for change and creativity would automatically motivate the employees to perform even better.
· Keep asking feedback on regular basis: This would help you to maintain a track of the developments and the changes that are required in your work and behaviour towards the team. Organising review meetings after fixed time periods allows you to discuss problems quickly so, that they don’t hamper the future growth of the entire team.
· Change yourself accordingly: Learn to imply according to the changes suggested by your team members. Then only your team members would give a fair feedback.
This would help you become a good boss and keep your team and super boss happy by giving great profits to the company.