Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Rural Women Should Prepare For Government Jobs in India

Being a traditional country, the rural India has always been away from the developments that the residents of urban India experienced in the past. But with the changing policies of the government and exposure of the rural India with the new and innovative techniques and technologies, the rural India has also undergone drastic changes. There is a big craze about government jobs in India, among the people from remote places and villages.
The inclination of getting a job can also be seen among the women who have been showing their interests to study more to work as a professional.
Here are some tips that may help the rural women to boost their government job search:
  • Planning for the future beforehand, i.e. one must define her goal while studying in the school. They must take help of their teachers and parents to learn about the government sector job opportunities in the area.
  • Some of the fields like teaching, healthcare services accounts and commerce, etc are some of the topics that can be taken care of by the women. These are the domains that ensure secured jobs and do not require much traveling.
  • Make it a habit to read, read and read. Make effective use of the libraries provided by the government. Newspaper reading is a very good habit that not only keeps you aware of the national issues but also builds up the vocabulary.
  • Start preparations for the civil services and the banking services exams while graduating. Collect the previous year question papers and consult seniors for a better guidance.
To grab a government job in India is not so easy task, it requires lots of efforts. Government is also giving its helping hand to help rural women grow, so cash the opportunities and taste success.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Control Your Emotions When At Work

We always say that people have different faces for different situations and it’s not right! But, when working with a corporate you are meant to wear a face defying your personal self. If you are an extremely emotional person in your personal life you should portray to be an extremely strong person at work. The job or the work environment is entirely different what you have in your home. Whether you are a part of jobs in Chennai, bank jobs or aviation jobs, you always need to remember that you are supposed to behave professionally every moment at office.
Never let your emotions have an overflow at work. If you are feeling weak or low then better take a break and spend time with your family and friends. People at work are your colleagues not your best friends with whom you share your personal life. So, always keep your personal life to yourself. You never know how and when your personal life will affect your work and professional status in the company. Things get spread in an office life fire so, better keep things to yourself! Also, every office has its own emotional environment, if you are not able to suit yourself according to the ambience then maybe there is something is wrong and you need to look for a change. You might need to change your job and look for other jobs in Chennai or in whichever city you are living.
You should always show your positive side to the people and never confront your family or personal weaknesses to the colleagues at work. These are few very important points which must be kept in mind while working in big organisation in different cities or countries or across the globe. These laws for work are universal and would remain the same if you are doing a bank job or employed somewhere as a part of jobs in Chennai.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Whether to accept the job offer or not?

With the market welcoming the new talent and new openings being welled in terms of new jobs, candidates are becoming choosy while taking the job offers. It is always said, you get to hear good job calls when your job status is employed whereas its vice- versa when you are unemployed. So, you should not think of leaving your job unless you have another good job in hand. There are a number of bank jobs, online jobs, marketing jobs or various jobs opportunities in other industries in the country. The only thing you need to do is to take every step very carefully and every decision should be a result of a much sought after discussion.

Following are the steps, which would guide and help you in selecting the right job for you:

• Do a proper research: Doing an in- depth research about the company and the profile the organisation is offering is something very important for your future. The research helps you to decide about the position of the company in the market and your future career growth.

• Be realistic in your approach: Your demands and expectations from the company should not cross the market standards. Here again, the research is going to help you take a fair decision.

• Evaluate the factors which are offering something different with respect to your current job: If the new job is offering something unique or different to you then you can think of taking the job. Getting to learn something new in the career path is a great opportunity for the candidate.

• Express your expectations clearly: While talking to the interviewer, you must give a clear picture of your expectations and demands from the job. Also, your desires and future goals should be shared with the company.

Giving a fair idea about your accomplishments and future dreams with respect to your career in life helps the company to judge your position and association with the organisation.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Demand of Government Jobs is Booming

Government Jobs in India have not lost its sheen. According to a recent news article, there is rising demand of candidates for government jobs in India. The prestigious Staff Selection Commission examinations, which mark the entry to various government jobs, saw a huge number of applications. Comparing previous year’s exams, this year had about eight times increase in the number of candidates.
According to top officials, in the year 2008-2009 applicants in the SSC exams were about 1 million. This number rose to whooping 8.85 million in the year 2011-2012. The SSC Chairman is expecting around 13 million applications for the 2012-13. This year, the SSC has the responsibility of recruiting personnel for the Home Ministry. There are many vacancies available for internal security agencies falling under the Home Ministry.

To manage the huge applications received, the SSC examinations authorities are planning to introduce online application services. They are also trying to modernize the hiring system. The Chairman opined that taking the exams to the next level, they are trying to introduce online examinations. The lack of proper hardware infrastructure is causing a hindrance. For example, creating such large number of terminals for computer connection is a big challenge. With so many applications received, it is difficult to manage such a huge online examination.

Among other developments in the SSC Examinations, the authorities have restructured the examination patterns. The restructuring is done based on the recommendations of second administrative reforms commission. Another development is that SSC information is now available in 10 regional languages. The SSC will have regional language portals to draw more applicants.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Adjusting In a New Organisation

Working and earning money for supporting the livelihood of our family has become one of the top priorities of our life. The number of companies and jobs in India are increasing with growing impact of globalisation. This has lead to the change in demand for the skills and aptitude a candidate must possess. The candidates applying for jobs are required to shape their skills according to the prerequisites of the company they are targeting. Especially for fresher, just out of college it is very important to represent themselves in a professional and well defined manner.

Along with a well knitted resume and CV designed as per the resume format for fresher, the candidate needs to have a mouldable attitude. Wherever you go for the job, every office has different environment where in you are required to work and give you’re the best output. So, you should have the capability to adjust with the people and the environment you enter, to become a part of the organisation. Looking at your CV and after meeting you, your boss must have formed an opinion and would be having some expectations set from you. You need to make sure that you stand true on those expectations.

Also, whether it’s your first job or second, one thing you have to make sure is that you do not enter your office with any preconceived notions. You need to have a welcoming attitude. Having some thoughts already framed in mind acts as constraints and you are not able to give your best towards the job. Carrying a smile on the face makes it easier to adjust in the new environment and helps you to get pally with the new people. So, start your new job as a new chapter and give the best results at job.