Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Employee engagement is must!

The feeling of being considered as an important part of the organisation or the company is cherished by all. We all love to be praised and appreciated for the work done by us. Especially, when the same is achieved at work, you feel motivated for giving your best shot in the next try. Whether it is bank jobs in Hyderabad or Pune job in Media, engagement of the employees in the internal functioning of the company is a must. For retaining an employee in the company, it is very important to make him feel an inseparable part of the organisation. Apart from the daily routine work, the employees should be made to do extra- curricular activities, which add liveliness to the work environment. In the work itself communication between the senior management and people down the hierarchy line gives a positive impact on the behaviour of the employee.
Following are few of the points, which would motivate an employee to perform better, being a part of bank jobs in India or any other field across the nation.
  1. Constant communication with the employees is very important for the senior management to avoid any kind of communication gap
  2. There should be no biased behaviour adopted by the management for the allocation of work to the employees
  3. They should be made a part of the meetings and should be updated time by time with the latest achievements
  4. Each and every team member should be given appreciation at the end of the project for the contribution they have the made to its success
  5. Team outings and team integration activities boasts the spirit of communication between the people working at different levels. So, such activities should be practised after a fixed interval of time.
Motivation or team sprits should also be boosted by marking appreciation mails to the team members. All these things encourages the employees to do better work and they know that their work is always under observation and is valued by their bosses.
Author: Gurleen Kaur

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