Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Role of brand managers and their increasing responsibilities

Brand managers are generally defined with the roles of managing the image of the brand and projecting it well in front of the common masses. Keeping the products and launches in accordance to the interests of the target audience is something, which always needs to be kept in mind by them. The job of a brand manager is surely of the managerial types, but for actually executing his job; he needs to put himself in the shoes of his target audience. The responsibility of the brand as a whole is on the shoulders of the brand manager. He is accountable for all the activities, which directly or indirectly can affect the image of the brand.

Brand actually corresponds to the name and the fame of the organisation that the company holds in public. Though, it is very tough to mould, form and sustain the public opinion, but it depends on the creativity and the skills of the brand manager, how well he is able to present the news in the form of public interest. The presentation of the product should be in a way, that each and every individual is able to relate himself to the product or services and find a reason to avail them. Marketing and Public relations plays a major role in the commencement of these job duties of the brand manager.

A lot of new marketing techniques and procedures have been seen coming up into practise, with the advancement in the technologies. Internet becoming a great medium of dependency, social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, Orkut, Blogspot, etc. are becoming popular and grabbing the positions of the most advanced and the influential marketing methodologies. These sites in a way, carries the news in the form of infotainment and fulfils the demands and needs of both the parties. Also, the increased use of these social networking sites has lead to an increase in the burden in the job responsibilities of the brand manager. Other than the traditional forms of marketing, now the brand manager is also responsible for the communication processes held on the social networking sites. The increased job responsibilities of the brand manager have lead to more competition and filtration in terms of the most appropriate candidate for the post of brand manager.

Indian Economy Reboots, Pushing Up Recruitments

The resilience of Indian economy has been proved with its quick recovery from global economic meltdown. Not only has it remained stable but has shown tremendous improvements across all sectors and industries. With HRs, consultants, recruiters, etc. reporting positive hiring trends, at least 5 lakh jobs have been generated in India in the first half of the current year.

Ma Foi Randstad, global HR service provider projected creation of 5 lakh jobs in the organized sector of which around 3,50,00 seem to be created during the second quarter (April to June) alone. Along with the job generation, rise in pay scales have also been observed, thus, bringing back the positive sentiments to the Indian job market.

Delhi and NCR are found to be the top job providing cities (with nearly 21,000 jobs) out of the eight major cities surveyed. Next is Mumbai (15,000) followed by Chennai (12,000), Kolkata (8,500), Bangalore (7,000), Hyderabad (6,200), Pune (5,500) and Ahmedabad (3,500 approx).

The sectors hiring most actively in the second quarter include healthcare (96,500 jobs), real estate & construction (52,000), hospitality (49,000), IT sector (34,000), media & entertainment (29,000) and banking, financial services & insurance (16,000). The hiring trends in around 650 companies across 12 industries are included in the survey.

The positive momentum in organized sector is expected to extend to the unorganized sector as well. The hiring activity will spread throughout the year in a planned manner to avoid any lay offs or other problems later. Jobs in India are back with a bang and are here to stay for long across all levels, sectors and professions. The salary raise has added zest to the momentum with movement both within and outside various sectors. The boom in recruitment market is welcome news after a slowdown for more than a year-and-a-half.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Importance of personality development and communication skills

First impression is the last impression, one of the most common quotes, which describes the importance of personality of an individual. This quote has always played an influential role in our lives and we generally tend to follow it. Whenever we go to meet someone for the first time, we wear the best of our dresses with the best of the make- up and accessories matching the dress. And especially in case of some official meeting, it becomes more important for you to have a good and an everlasting impression on the client. In case of interviews you are required to prove yourself the best among the others, a lot of which is contributed by your personality and the communication skills possessed by you.

Jobs help in shaping the overall personality of the individual. But before actually doing the job, you also need to have some skills, which are further needed to be polished. Self confidence, communications skills, way of presenting yourself, are few of the attributes, which helps in defining your overall personality. In an interview you are judged on various parameters. Personality and communication skills, are two, without having which, the chances for you to clear the interview becomes very less.

Jobs are the source of our livelihood, so they need to be grabbed and sustained. There are hundreds of candidates for a single post in companies, but for grabbing one, you need to be highly efficient and capable amongst all the other candidates. Bookish knowledge is what every one have but to clear a job interview, you need to have the traits of a winner, one with a great personality having confidence over himself and his efficiencies. Thus, by being one of those, you can save a good job for yourself in few of the most renowned companies of the country.

Jobs Flooding in India

The industry behemoths are back to business with massive hiring beginning in full swing this year. With the economic revival comes a great year for MBAs as the times of hiring freeze gets over. Even though, the recruitment season at top B-schools commenced with cautious optimism, it surely has ended with a strong economic rebound.

All the major national and multinational companies seem to have launched a recruitment drive. From technology giants, Infosys Technologies and Cognizant to finance companies, ICICI Bank, Citigroup and YES Bank; from BPO majors, Genpact, Wipro to national companies like Tatas, Hindustan Unilever, Procter & Gamble, ITC, Britannia, and Johnson & Johnson to international consulting biggies like McKinsey, Accenture, Deloitte and Boston Consulting Group (BCG)-all are hiring.

After looking at the data received from 13 top management institutes, it is clear that not only numbers but quality jobs are back. Recruiters emphasize on the fact that hiring blitz is an actual part of their overall growth plan rather than a bold proclamation of survival. Though experienced MBAs were preferred, even first-timers were able to land with many opportunities. The rise in salary packages could be noticed too with a hike of 25% on average for the Class of 2010.

As preferences and demands of recruiters have changed over years, a shift in student’s attitudes could also be seen this time. They could now look beyond pay packets and foreign posting is not an obsession for young professionals anymore. They have matured into prudent individuals taking sensible decisions based on quality of the job and culture of the company.

War talent in India is definitely gaining momentum propelled by resurgence of hiring optimism. The frozen job market until last year has been phenomenal this year with almost bullish hiring by companies across various sectors.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Technology Sector in India at Its Best

Technology has been the buzzword ever since India started traveling on its development path. There has been tremendous growth in the fields of information technology as well as biotechnology in last five to ten years and is progressing still.

Cloud computing in IT sector is the new rage that has opened doors for many in India and abroad. From discovery to early clinical development, biotechnology sector too is expanding its potential in the country. The widening scope for technology professionals is growing further in wake of various foreign based companies coming forward to form strategic partnerships in India. Technology jobs in India are set to multiply manifold as IT and Biotech majors are creating thousands of job opportunities.

Indian cities offer the advantages of high-quality talent pool, lower operational costs, development speed and access to a huge market. These favorable aspects are rapidly drawing global business mammoths to externalize their R & D for bigger gains. They are now slimming down operations in US and Europe and reinvesting in Asia across India, China and Japan. Indian companies are definitely best at research and innovation but they need to sell themselves more effectively as solution providers.

The bent towards India for technology related matters like cloud computing, research and development is bound to result in huge fruitful collaborations. This will not only lead to significant upsides for partnering firms but also help the Indian technology industry to grow by leaps and bounds. High margins, easier cash flows, environment support, etc. are some of the features of Indian industries that attract foreign investors and corporations from all over the world. The government support in accepting foreign investments is also crucial for the country’s technological developments.

A significantly huge development is awaiting the Indian tech industry and will surely rock the world.

Vacation time for teachers

Vacation is the time which every one waits for, whether it’s you or me; holidays are the most awaited time period. In the life of a service person, it becomes really difficult for him to spare time for his family and friends. I know like me, everyone of you must always be waiting for the weekend to come and the time to arrive when you can enjoy and lead life according to your own rules and definitions. But I hope you would agree with me that these two holidays are just not enough. Just think about those teachers who get two months off as summer vacations. God! They must be damn lucky to be in this profession.

Summer vacations are the biggest advantage a teacher gets, in her profession. It is actually a gala time for her in the whole year, where she spends two entire months with her family. Enjoyment, relaxation, cheering, holidaying must be the adjectives, which these teachers get to implement in their lives, during this vacation period. I m really getting jealous, this must be the time like, we as students use to spend in our summer holidays. It’s actually a bliss for them. But anyhow, I think this rest is must for the teachers as they are the tools, which helps in shaping and defining our career in the right direction. In fact they are the basis, on the teachings of which our whole life is based.

It’s our personal option, which career field we choose, so I think being jealous is the only thing we can do. Jokes apart, every profession has its pros and cons and one should try and be happy with what he gets. Being satisfied and working harder to achieve the targets is the best thing to progress in your career field. Rest we all can only hope that those who are in this profession i.e. having their job in the teaching sector, get to enjoy their holidays to the fullest and spend an amazing time with their family members.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

3 Lakh Jobs in Cloud Computing in India

Cloud Computing is the latest buzzword in the web world as it brings in a paradigmatic shift. It is the internet based computing where shared resources, software and information are made available to computers and other devices on demand. Amazon, Google and Microsoft are the major cloud service providers.

The providers believe that India holds immense potential to emerge as the global competency center for cloud services. With a powerful ecosystem of over 1300 ISVs (independent software vendors), 1.4 million developers and more than 11000 system integrators (SIs and custom software development organizations), Indian market seems ideal to exploit the opportunity. An estimated 3 lakh jobs in India will be created in cloud services over next five years.

According to Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft Corporation, not only will India see a surge in consumption of cloud services, driving growth in domestic IT usage but will also be seen supporting companies all over the world for their transition to cloud computing. Huge scope and potential is seen in cloud computing services and thus, academic institutions are working to train students in this upcoming field.

Institutions like NIIT, IIT and IIIT are engaged in building large India-relevant projects leveraging Microsoft's Azure platform. Various corporate honchos like Cognizant, CDC Software, Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Mahindra Satyam and HCL Technologies are building applications and solutions across verticals for both local and global markets. This will help train large number of professionals for the upcoming need of cloud computing professionals. Those interested in pursuing a career in this field will be skilled in the profession and made aware of the intricacies of the field.

India is the most sought after market globally in terms of manpower and the advanced technology practices. It is surely set to bring in the revolution in the world.

Why do you need a job??

You must be thinking I am asking such a silly question or have raised discussion on a very stupid topic. But, if we actually give it a thought it’s a pure valid question. Look, this is a very well known fact that every Indian at the end aims to be become an entrepreneur. He is happier with owning a business rather than himself being owned by someone as other's property. Then in such a scenario, the question why do you need a job sounds quite logical one. I asked the same question from myself also, that at the end I too want to have my own agency, then why am I doing this job, why am I wasting my years working for some other company and adding to its growth.
The answer obviously came from me, inside me, which stated that you need this job, because you need stability in your life and moreover you want to gain expertise in the field before actually implementing it in your own projects. And i am sure; these are the basic reasons why during the very first stage of his career a student opts for a job in his respective field. Other than stability anderience, the person is also entitled with family responsibilities, and a job is a work place, which provides financial security to his family and life.
A fixed income is what seems to be the most promising factor, why students go for jobs. Also, jobs these days are the best source to way off tensions, which generally get hailed due to personal businesses. Family peace and a smooth lifestyle are also few of the elements, which contributes to the high growth rate of jobs in India. Well, I can conclude now that we should first try and make our lives stable by opting a renowned job, then slowly and steadily can shift towards our dream business or doing that simultaneously is also not a bad option. Because in that case the only thing required extra would be hard work and hard work is the second name to success!!