Thursday, December 20, 2012

Visually-impaired Demand for Reservation in Govt. Jobs

Economic Backward Classes of India have reservation in various organizations managed by Government. Visually challenged persons are also demanding 1% reservation in Govt. Jobs

Demand for Reservation
Appointed in any position in a Govt. Jobs in India is a matter of great pride. Jobs in Government organizations in the country are most sought after. Offering security of tenure and innumerable incentives, the Public Sector Companies draws individuals belonging to different societal strata searching for employment openings.

Besides the above two, another good reason for the craze among Indian people joining in Govt. sector the reservation criteria. A section of people enjoys the benefit of seats reserved in govt. organizations. Public Sectors banks, Oil Companies, Educational institutes (schools and universities) etc have certain percentage reserved for the Backward Castes of India. This is done to uplift the people economically and socially.

The visually impaired persons are also seeking Government support in the job market. About 350 blind people staged a protest in New Delhi (the seat of political power in India). The group was demanding 1% reservation in various government jobs. Reservation is not available to blind people in the government-managed organizations.

Another issue that the demonstrators are raising is clear the backlog in various ministries and Govt. departments for the visually challenged persons. Heading the demonstration was the Secretary General of Convention of the Blind Intellectuals. The protest was organized on the International Day for the Disabled. Jantar Mantar in Delhi saw the presence of more than 300 visually challenged persons raising their voice. 

The organizers of the protest were the Indian Joint Organization of the Blind and Convention of the Blind Intellectuals. The Joint Secretary of the Department of Disability Affairs received a memo of the demands of blind people.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Want to be a Sarkari Babu?

Those times were different. If anyone got a govt. job, it called for celebrations. Getting a Govt. Job hinted that his life was made. Certainly so,  until a decade ago. There were no more reasons to worry. But things have changed with the passing years.

Globalization and new job creation in the country have changed the perception of today’s youth. Jobs in the Private Sector are opted by many. When asked Ankush, a final year engineering student about career plans after completion of course, he replied that his preference would be a private job over a government job. He said to survive in the high paced life of today, salaries offered in a public sector job is not sufficient. Many like Ankush had similar views. Many are opting for private jobs. 

Government Jobs in India
Does this hint at losing sheen of Govt jobs in the country? Certainly not. It is can be said that youth of the 21st century India are opting for different profiles in private companies, but it no way hints at losing interest from jobs in government organizations.

There is a huge population in the country, which still wants to get Govt. Jobs. It is a known fact that a job in any government organization means job security. The rising India, youth from low-income background and deprived families certainly prefer to be employed in public sector organizations. For them, a secure job with future savings attracts them.

Its known fact jobs in government organizations are difficult to get because of the limited vacancies and huge competition. Candidates will have to burn the midnight’s oil to get the desirable position. Efforts in getting Govt. jobs are worth for. Besides job security, incentives like accommodation, free transport, holiday travelling etc are offered along with salaries. Even retirement gives huge savings in the form of PF and Pension.

It’s not that govt jobs have lost sheen, just that private jobs are existing happily. So take your pick.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Growing Employment Opportunities in India

The employment opportunities created in the country are retaining the best minds. The cities and towns of India are seeing talented professionals working and creating new rules of employment.

Gone are the days when graduates from IIT and IIM flocked to foreign destinations for work. The emerging status of India has changed the mindset of young India. India Inc. is becoming the preferred destinations for career growth. Present times, the country offers better employment opportunities.

Before the days of globalization, India witnessed an exodus of intellectual capital. The brightest brains, coming out of the IITs and IIMs applied for jobs in organization abroad. Trained in India, the best brains worked for the West. India lacked jobs avenues to cater to the huge number of jobseekers moving out.

With improved pay packages and huge scope for innovative work, many Indian organizations are drawing these graduates. The promising minds coming out from the best engineering colleges of India like IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur and IIT Kharagpur found jobs in the cities and urban centers. India today has engineering firms with global repute and some of the best engineering projects under their cap. These engineering firms offer opportunities for innovation, high-end designing and sophisticated research and development work. Graduates coming out top ranked institutes of India are grabbing the opportunity.

Not just for engineering domain, but for other industries as well, new job profiles are created. Management, Telecom, Retail, Automotive, IT/ITES are some of the areas where new job profiles are drawing the talented Indians. Metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore became the jobseeker destination. Even industrial towns like Kanpur are gearing up for the change.  A plethora of employment opportunities is available in the small cities of India. Jobs are available in the various educational colleges and universities started in the small cities. Private and government banks also require professionals and positions are vacant. There are also many vacancies available in the various private companies opened the cities and towns of India.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Media Jobs in India

India has proved to be one of the fastest growing nations, which have highlighted their great potential in the job sector of media and journalism. The media jobs are available in various domains, including TV, radio, newspaper, magazines as well as other visual and print media companies. The online sources have also emerged as the hottest job sections with the number of media and journalism jobs available for the numerous online news portals and Internet. In addition, public relations, radio, advertising, and other multimedia jobs also are also considered as media and journalism jobs.

Key responsibilities in the media and journalism jobs:

·         Writing creative articles. The candidates with a flair for writing can be the suitable candidates for such jobs.

·         Reporting and preparing a detailed analysis of the information earned.

·         Editing of the write-ups, which include the grammar check, language correctness; checking spelling mistakes, make corrective use of the writing styles, according to the specifications provided?

·         Working in collaboration with reporters and illustrators.

·         Recheck the stories and the completed articles to ensure that they contain every important information and elements.

·         Making active participation in editorial research and decision-making over the important issues.

Television is the main source of the media news in India, as TV has been a revolution in the digital media. The TV industry has experienced a rapid growth in terms of the number of news as well as entertainment channels. There have been drastic technological advancements in the areas of broadband, internet protocol TV (IPTV) and direct to home (DTH) services. The market is expected to grow at much higher rates and thus an expected growth in the media and journalism jobs will also take place in India. The entertainment and media industry of India will be creating a spur in the Indian economy.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Journey from a Graduate to a Probationary Officer

Bank Jobs
My father is a bank employee, and I had an impression that he is the owner of all the money kept in the bank lockers. Seriously, this was such a stupid belief of mine! My father always wanted that some one from family should have a bank job because the government bank jobs are considered a good career option for females, particularly. I have always seen him leaving at nine and coming back home at six, and this was the reason why I liked to make a career in banking industry. One more benefit from my point of view is that the timings are very appropriate, and they enable you to spend the quality time with your family and friends as well.

After completing my education, I wished to compete for the Baking jobs and filled up every form that was available in the market, for the position of probationary officer. I also pursued coaching classes to ensure that I learn the techniques, which are helpful in solving the questions in the least possible time. My favorite section was the reasoning section, which includes questions related to the general IQ, both verbal and non-verbal. Mathematics is one subject that has been haunting me since my childhood and the irony is that banking is all about math and reasoning. However, I had to overcome my fears and I made up my mind to solve the questions with complete dedication and attentiveness.

Finally, I began to solve questions in the least time, and had a good speed while solving the previous papers. I tried my luck and I cracked three examinations at the same time. Now, I am working as a probationary officer in the same bank in which my father is working, which is the Punjab National Bank! Moreover, all I can say that hard work is always rewarding just have patience and faith in yourself!