Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Govt jobs in Delhi

Delhi, the capital of India is also referred as the job hub of the country. The city welcomes people from all arenas and offers job opportunities to us. Companies are present in large numbers in Delhi, belonging to both publics and private sector, which facilitates jobs in Delhi to many. Being a job aspirant, you are expected to search for the job you want in the best possible way. Delhi is one of the best locations; we generally look forward to in terms of job search in India. Apart from private sector which has flourished to a great extent in India, govt. jobs are also in great demand. Though, there are great growth prospects in the private sector, but still most of us prefer going for the govt. jobs. This is because of the security factor, which we get being a part of the govt jobs. Also, the pay packages in government sector have been improvised to a great extent along with the perks you get being a government employee.

Few of the sectors in which you can apply for govt. jobs in Delhi, are:

· Banking and finance sector
· Media and PR jobs
· Entertainment sector
· Education industry- schools and colleges
· Oil and gas industry
· Sales jobs
· Jobs in retail sector
· Different ministerial units of the city
· Government of India
· Aviation industry
· Job as Foreign Service officers
· Job in the advertising industry
· Law and administration sector
These are only few major categories, wherein you can search for the job. There are many sub- divisions to these industries, which ensure you a job in Delhi. Also, for applying into any of these sectors, you must be well prepared and should have the ability to fight with the competition in the job industry.

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