Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Resume for marketing freshers

Educational qualification, professional expertise, extra skills and career goals are few of the things, which everyone demands, when we apply for a job. These all things portray your intelligence and excellence you have achieved in your school and college period. It is very important to define your goals well in the starting of your career and proceed accordingly. There are a number of fields, which you can choose as your career and the resume for each field would differ according to its requirements. One of the fields, which demand you to design a very impressive and professional resume, is marketing. Though, every field demands the same characteristics in a resume, but marketing as a field is considered to be the face of the organisation, therefore requires professionals with good communication skills and clear objectives in life.

If you see a sample resume format for freshers, marketing in any of the online sites, then one thing you would notice in every CV is excellent communication skills. Your resume should be presented with great conscience and should depict clarity in your career goals. Also, fresher’s CV sample can be searched in any of the online job sites, which would give you a proper picture of the format of the resume. Few of the points, to be kept in mind which drafting a resume for a marketing fresher, are:

• Use of I, me and my in resume should be avoided. Usage of second and third person should be there in the resume. CV format for freshers can be referred.
• List your achievements and projects handled in the college and internship time
• The skills mentioned in the resume should be relevant to the job post applied for.
• Mention the professional degrees earned by you with respect to the marketing field.
By keeping these points in mind, you can draft a professional resume for applying job in the marketing field.

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